crossing 5-2


Arrived at the border at 11:15, 'bout 200 yards from the gate. Had enough time to spend about 12 bucks for a couple of windshield washes :) some flour tortillas, a small statue for my work desk (reminder of my son's checkout dive), donate to a couple of charities and keep the line moving forward. Three lanes open. The Border Patrol Agent was very friendly and jovial. Total time about 20 minutes. He didn't ask about ham sam'iches, probably wasn't hungry :lol:
You were took me twice as long for about the same distance the previous weekend (on a Monday)....also 3 lanes open...but the Mexicans were doing their usual game with closing off one of the lanes just before the you went from 2 lanes (roadway plus the shoulder) down to one lane, then back to 3 lanes.....and you had the usual idiots who wouldn't alternate when the 2 lanes merged to one....surprised there weren't any accidents!


Hey, how have the boarder crossing times been lately going back to AZ?


I made a trip to Tucson Yesterday (Wednesday) and hit the border at 11:00 am. I drove right up to the agent. He was very pleasant and it took about 30 seconds to be on my way.