Crossing At Lukeville

Crossing experience and a question.

We crossed south at Lukeville on the 6th of Feb. I noted that the Homeland (U.S) guys have moved their portion a bit to the left and into an official looking booth, different than last year. We were asked the standard questions, no inspection and passed thru, well. passed through slowly. They make it a bit of a challenge cause it seems as if its more narrow than the north bound lanes. Didn't hit anything, which was good. Mexican side. Gate was down and had to move forward to get a Green light. Our friends following in the rv behind us got stopped. I pulled over and sent the wife back to help/translate.

Coming to the question part. The three border guards said the gate arm was broken and would not come up. At first the 3 guards told our friends towing a car to back up. I made sure to tell the wife to tell the guys, Not happening with the car in tow. This was about a minute after we had just gone through the same gate.

The wife of course tried to hit the three guards with the common sense approach and asked them to just manually swing the gate out of the way. No can do, they replied and instructed her to go see the supervisor who was inside on the phone. They told her the Supervisor needed to retrieve some type of component that would open the gate and that they couldn't do it. The Sup tried to waive the wife away while he was on the phone. Yeah, it doesn't work for me either when I try to ignore her , cause she just stayed right there and bugged him till he came out. The Supv was a pain and didn't want to be bothered. He finally came out and manually raised the same arm the 3 guards wouldn't touch. No component, No repair.

All the while our friends were kinda just sitting there (their first trip south in years) a little tense wondering what was going on. I didn't get the "flavor" of the whole encounter cause I stayed with our rv. The wife (has lived in Mexico) said it began to get a little suspicious and didn't "smell" right.

Nobody behind our friends waiting to go thru. We were the only 2 vehicles. our friends were stuck behind the "broken" gate for about 10 minutes. Did not see if the gate worked after we left.

The question. Has this happened to anyone else?
Is this a new effort to grab a"tip"? or Was this what it prbly was, a hiccup and a malfunction in the gate?
Other than that, fairly easy crossing. We're back.
Wife and I are headed down over Presidents Day weekend. Which also is the same weekend as Carnaval this year. Hope we don't have any issues.
We have crossed many times and only stopped once going in. Our truck bed was heavily tarped due to chance of rain. The guard wanted me to completely untarp. When he saw the level of difficulty involved and sensed my fustration of having to undo all the work, he had me lift each corner and let me go. I think since you were the only vehicles crossing at that time, they were bored, and the gate was not even broke. :D:D

GV Jack

Snorin God
I think you are right on there. I usually cross early, before 11:00 AM, on a Monday or Tuesday and seldom have more than one vehicle ahead of me.

A few years ago, I never got stopped there, but the last year or so I get the red light every time. Open the back of the van and a quick look and we're gone.

I don't want to hear about it Roberto !!!!!!


I have crossed at both San Luis and Lukeville several times in the past couple of years and have, on at least four occasions, been stopped for several minutes due to a malfunctioning gate. I don't think anything was "fishy" I just think it is faulty equipment.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
I must have been lucky in all my years of crossing. I have never been delayed by mal-functioning equipment.
All the more reason to call Shenanigans. But if it makes them feel important for a few min and you have nothing to be worried about, then let them have their fun. Just as long as they don't wanna tear your car appart.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Jack. You made me spit water all over my keyboard! Friggin' hilarious! You just crack me up! I laughed so hard the guy in the next office came in to see why! You shoulda' been a comedian!

GV Jack

Snorin God
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Jack. You made me spit water all over my keyboard! Friggin' hilarious! You just crack me up! I laughed so hard the guy in the next office came in to see why! You shoulda' been a comedian!
Most of my customers thought I was. That's why I'll die poor.

You gotta quit drinkin stuff when you're reading this forum.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Yeah, this isn't the first time my keyboard got a bath with you guys on the forum......LOL!


El Pirata
Back on track***going into mexico if there is a vehicle on the pathway going towards the the warning arm do not enter till the car clears and arm comes down. They
have code readers that make the sensors go off and throw the computer off when there is two cars on the pathway.


Came across on Sat. Morn. Gate on Left side was not working had to move to Gate on right side this gate has not been working right for the last month. No Scam. Just use the Right lane.
Mexican gate

Malfuntioning Gate at Lukeville.... Hell!

Knocked the new pass lights right off the
post, still worked and 3 Mexicans gate guards were holding it up a when they let me go! Next time we came thru it was replaced and moved back.

About 3 years ago at Lukeville, going thru with my 40 ft motorhome wide body, one of the guards motioned me right now!

I turned right not thinking as I I turned sharp right my rear tires went up on the curb, I did miss the light pass post..

But my wheels came down off the curb, my rig rocked and took down the top with
the pass lights! It stilled worked hanging by the elec wires. Thats when 3 guards scrampled over to hold it up as it was busy with incoming cars.

Guard came over, asked for the reg for my motorhome. brought out wrong one, the one for my car I happened to give him!

He kept looking at the M/H plates, then reg papers for my car, looking at me, all this repeated, and kept asking if its for my M/H! I kept saying yes to him over and over!

Thought he waz going to take my Mexican insurance pappers. He did not just told me to leave without inspection. I got the heck out of there headed to RP.

It was not till I left and I handed the reg to my wife....then she said the reg was for the car....ooops!

Looking in my rear view mirror, it was a funny sight to see three Mex border guards strecting high to rest it on the top of the stand, to show the pass/inspection lights let cars in!

Another visit to RP I guess!


Nope, no driveing school needed! The Mexican inspection light setup was just redone, and was too close to the curb.

When it was redone or repaired they moved it back some to give wide rigs more room, to where it should be!
