Crossing the border to mexico and back into the US without a passport???


If you're under 18 and you show up at the border alone with the documents you described, be prepared for a long interrogation. Not saying they won't let you in, but you're going to have a lot of explaining to do without a picture ID, and under the circumstances you described. Can your parents or someone meet you at the border with a government issued picture ID?


well, not really we're not that close and they live far from the border. My dad.. well I never met him and my mom.. well like i told you.. LONG STORY..
I'm not that young I just turned 20
but like i said, I was younger and had no Idea what to do..


Like I said earlier, you're going to have a lot of explaining to do when you get to the border. Unfortunately, a lot of how they treat you right off the bat will depend on your appearance. Are you blonde and blue-eyed? Obviously not a Mexican trying to cross with false documents? Put yourself in their shoes, and think about what they will ask you and how they will see you with obvious suspicion right off the bat. Do you have any warrants out for your arrest? Any past problems with police? They will investigate you thoroughly and may even ask to take your fingerprints. I'm not trying to discourage you, I'm just letting you know what you may be in for.


They're also going to want to know how long you've been in Mexico, who you've been living with, how you've been surviving, working, etc. If you have any tattoos, you can be sure they will check to see if they're gang related.


Well, I'm clean, no problems with police, I don't have blue eyes and I'm not blond, anyway I know all this is gonna happen, and of course I'm not a mexican trying to pass with false documents :lol:


Four of us crossed back to the US a couple of weeks ago. One of our friends didn't have his passport with him so used his AZ license. No problems, hassles or attitude before before being waved through.


I think the reality of it is if you want to know, you just have to collect what you have and show up at a crossing and try. Unless you have some outstanding criminal charges they will just refuse you entry to the US and not hold you and you can return to Mexico. As for being illegal in Mexico, my experience is that no one cares unless you get into trouble. The US does not care about your immigration status in Mexico. You could call a border station to inquire but I do not think they will tell you much, they will ask to see your documents. There is a fair chance that you will show up in their comprehensive computer records so if you are clean that might help you.

You should definately consider throwing yourself on the mercy of the US authorities before you arrive at the border. Try a US Consulate office. You can e-mail them. I'm confident that your situation is one they have worked on before. If things are as you allude to it should be ok.

Good Luck


I have a green card and have never needed to show my passport when I return to the US (or at those annoying stops at Why and north of Ajo), so I have stopped bringing it. The last thing I need is to lose my passport in Mexico, because it's the sort of thing I would do. I just show the green card.

I've never been asked for a passport on the Mexican side except of course when I needed to get my FMM.

Those guys at the annoying stops must lose their minds. The last time I went through he asked "Everyone a US Citizen?" and of course I said "no". He looked at me and said "Have a nice day" and waved me on.

AZ Scot


Last time I went through some new dipshit tried to tell me my 11 year old needed a Passcard. After telling him he was a dipshit he brought over a supervisor that agreed with me. This was 4th of July weekend and they waved me through. It would be nice if these retards working customs knew the actual laws. Lol
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Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Argh Hooch, almost everytime you post something on here you manage to upset some people. Did you know everything when you started a new job? There is a learning period for all jobs and I'm sure their job training is tons and tons of information.....It would have been a much pleasanter exchange if you would have said nicely that you were sure he was wrong and would he call a supervisor over.....And lastly, what are you going to do when your daughter calls her teacher a dip#$%&? She'll think it is ok because you do it....


3Yrs ago I was in Long Beach. We were going out on a cruise the next day. Somewhere between the hotel dinner and hotel, my passport disappeared. Early the next morning I went to the cruise office at the port, ship was in. They gave me their fax number and my daughter faxed them a copy of my passport. Customs wrote something on it and with my drivers license I was good to go. By the time we got back to Long Beach the information was in the computer system and I had my copy. No problem. I have copies of my passport with 3 different people just in case.


Has this changed since this post? Was going to walk or maybe drive into Mexico.
I've said it before...I have never, ever had a problem going into Mexico or coming back in to the the US with nothing more than a valid US driver's license in the last many years. The last time I used my license only was about a month ago. If you have no issues with our record, you should have no issues. All that said, I typically use my passport or passport card.