DANGER Manhole Cover Missing !!


2/28/2014 On Fremont Blvd. intersection of Durango, eastbound, right hand lane. There was a large 50 gal drum marking the hole but it's gone and replaced with a couple of pieces of rebar and 2 or 3 cinder blocks. Hard to see especially at night.


I saw that last night. I'm surprised that a Friday night partier didn't end up in it. A cyclist would end up dead.
Eight years ago I drove my brand new truck into an open manhole down by the Senorial and it caused a lot of damage.


Yeah, the tire is a little better than the cinder block. Think the thief that stole the cinder blocks put the tire there??:eek::eek::eek:


Are there no city workers in RP? They can't put a steel plate over the hole until the cover comes in from China? At Least put a board over it with a window washer on it.


Since I would hope they are of standard size you might think a few covers on the shelf would be appropriate. There is one on Ocana at Constitution with a large steel plate, been there for over a year.

In my humble opinion the roads dept is doing a real crappy job pretty much all the way around at least for the local streets. Contractors on some of the big jobs seem to do whatever without regard for the public. Drive out Ocana today. Boths sides ripped up with cross trenches for sewer, I guess, resulting in craters to negotiate. Traffic going both ways on both sides, no signs no plan to manage traffic. Huge piles of earth randomly on both lanes of traffic. Some sideroads closed off some open.

Avoid Ocana at all costs right now 3/3/2114 !!


I noticed they repaved Constitucion from No Reeleccion all the way to Benito Juarez. No more pothole dodging there - for now.


If you drive fast enough, you will go right over them without a bump. Says he from his jail cell....
Hey if it's still there and you wanna try it let me know so I can watch. The Red Cross is only a block away so I'll have them stand by.


Because it's one of the main roads used by gringos?
I was thinking of the method they used. Looked like they may have just oiled the road and spread small gravel. NM does that on rural roads. When you drive on it the gravel flies all over but that does nt seem to be the case here as I got no gravel flying when I drove it.


Last Thursday afternoon I was going to make a right onto Constitucion from No Reeleccion around 5:30 in the afternoon. The road was all taped off and there was a guy driving a steamroller type of thing up to the taped area. It looked and smelled like fresh tar.
haha Roberto, maybe this is giving Mexico a free pass, but the conditions you describe on Ocaña are pretty much standard issue on any Mexico local street project. I work in Nogales, Mex and they have had one of the main drags torn up in a similar way for 6 months- and every project I have seen in 10 years has been the same M.O.
I always joke that a U.S. accident lawyer would spontaneously combust if he ever saw a Mexico worksite. His head would not be able to process all the egregious safety violations all happening at the same time- the lawsuits and dollar signs would be flowing through his head so fast he's probably have a heart attack on the spot.