Dengue Fever hits Sonora

Would you spend money on Beer or Mosquito Repellent if you had to pick one?

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View attachment 7048 Caborca, Heard Puerto Penasco had it's first case.....If you have a place on the south beaches you might want to stay away for a while...moquitos in record numbers...after confirmed 12 cases of dengue fever and 15 more with all the symptoms for the first time in the history of the municipality an outbreak of disease occurs, Marisela Reyes Espinoza said.

The head of epidemiology at the Sanitary District Number Two also warned that there is a suspicion of the first case of dengue hemorrhagic fever in rushed Sunday to Hermosillo patient.

"We had not had the presence of dengue earlier, in 2009 we had a case, then you really have the impact that right now because we regard it as something very important and actions to take," he said.

Of the 12 cases confirmed by the State Laboratory of Public Health and IMSS, detailed, only three are imported and the remaining nine are people who contracted dengue in Caborca.

He said that in "El Alto" records all confirmed cases and confirmed, and that although there is a resident of the colony "Pagasa" infected, is found to have relatives in the colony "El Alto", where assumed contracted the disease.

The man moved to Hermosillo suspected hemorrhagic dengue, he said, until yesterday he was hospitalized in a clinic in the capital IMSS.

"I do not but it has had features and symptoms of bleeding to break out with," he said.


This could become serious in Penasco. Dengue is a serious vector borne illness. Water still pools in the streets in some locations around town from the recent rain. Sewage continues to spew into the streets periodically in the Mirador creating pools. Yesterday I drove by a worker on Fremont up to his armpits in sewage bubbling out of a hole. It flowed freely down the street. Still a pond of sewage at Chiapis on Fremont. Someone did come with a front end loader to create a dam so the stuff would not flow into some homes. No wonder the taco stand on the corner went out of business. Calle 13 was a sewage lake after the last big rain. Right at the big taco stand. This has gone on for the past 6 or 7 years. Sometimes they pump the stuff up but mostly let it sit till it evaporates. Dogs walk in in. People walk in it. Vehicles splash througt it. How many diseases can you list carried by sewage. Would the money spent on the stupid fish at Calle 13 be better spent on this problem??
Your title says it is already there. True or false

Hits and may be a problem are sure different things. I may have died last month but I did not!
I'm sorry to hear that it is in Caborca, but I'm glad to hear that there are no diagnosed cases in Rocky Point, yet. I'm heading to RP this weekend. Can anyone tell me how the mosquito situation around town, and at Playa Encanto, is now?


I'm sorry to hear that it is in Caborca, but I'm glad to hear that there are no diagnosed cases in Rocky Point, yet. I'm heading to RP this weekend. Can anyone tell me how the mosquito situation around town, and at Playa Encanto, is now?
Didn't get any bites last weekend and they usually LOVE me!


Didn't get any bites last weekend and they usually LOVE me!
Was on Playa Encanto most of yesterday afternoon. No problem with mosquitos on the beach, but in the brush along the dirt road to get there, there are tons of bugs....not sure if they are mosquitos or gnats or what they are.


Mosquitoes horrible at the entrance to Playa Encanto due to the standing water in the estuary. Just won't dry out this time of year.


Lots of Dengue in Cabo. Most people I know who had said it was horrible pain in bones, joints and etc. After a week or two they were back at work. Probably not good for the elderly or bebes
I'm sorry to hear that it is in Caborca, but I'm glad to hear that there are no diagnosed cases in Rocky Point, yet. I'm heading to RP this weekend. Can anyone tell me how the mosquito situation around town, and at Playa Encanto, is now?
Was out that way all last week. Mosquitos (as you can imagine, after all the rain and the running washes and estarios out there) were pretty heavy. We were a little more careful to keep doors closed, which was sufficient. No problem walking along the beach or down at the water. Another thing I've noticed during these times: At sundown, run -- not walk -- for cover indoors. The good news: Things have been quickly drying up . . . this only lasts a few weeks after such rains . . . and the bats are happy doing cleanup.


Cobra First Life Dengue In Caborca; Oomapas worker dies
Tuesday, October 21, 2014 5:04

Caborca, Sonora 21 October 2014-The DENGUE is the term for this disease, of which we have become accustomed or not know what happens because I hear like hearing rain.

That dengue we hear every day in Caborca and health officials have recorded almost 300 people infected, perhaps amazed we had not already charging so much but the first victim in a worker Oomapas.

Parra Villa Arcadio, who had been admitted for emergency treatment at a hospital in the city of Hermosillo, could not beat the disease and died. As he learned he had kidney complications that could not overcome, reaching the fatal outcome.

If not taken seriously the recommendations of health authorities, will continue to suffer from these diseases that kill life. All we have to do is be more careful and clean in the spaces where we live. It is possible that we are herding every day to take the steps that are suggested to us.

We must be careful to avoid implying that the mosquito will continue to proliferate in our environment, as the Dengue disease was unknown for Caborquenses.

Terry C


La coordinación de Salud Municipal lleva a cabo acciones para mantener a Puerto Peñasco libre de la enfermedad

PUERTO PEÑASCO, 22 OCTUBRE 2014.- La coordinación municipal de salud lleva a cabo acciones de fumigación y descacharre en las colonias Nuevo Peñasco, San Rafael, Brisas del Golfo, Oriente y López Portillo, con la finalidad de mantener a Puerto Peñasco libre de la presencia del mosco transmisor del deng...

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Journal of 0904 fumigan against the Mosco Transmitter of dengue

The coordination of health City wears a cape actions in order to maintain a port peñasco disease - free

Port peñasco, 22 October 2014. - coordination Municipal health wears a cape actions fumigation and descacharre in colonies new peñasco, San Rafael, brisas Gulf, East and Lopez Portillo, with the aim of maintaining a port peñasco free from the presence of Mosco Transmitter of dengue.

The headline of the aforementioned dependency, doctor eliel Lopez urías explained that, as part of the measures of character preventative undertaken by the local government, and carpet - bombed with the product aquamix which was carried out with termonebulizadora in 915, and apples relevant to these demarcaciones.

Made it to combat the larvae of mosquitoes have been applied throughout the year every 3 weeks of using a motomochila, while the product agnique has been applied in the area of the pond of iron.

The couple of these actions, he said, has been done in the distribution of ABATE or temephos en tours house for house in colonies new peñasco and San Rafael, contabilizando in what is going to the year 30 kilos of granulado, whose application is 40 grammes by container of 200 000 litres of water.

López urías indicated that it is also working in the conscientiousness among the population, as a result of emphasis on the importance of maintaining the patios clean through the Elimination of weed, old tires, cubetas, containers he could accumulate and water that serve as a vegetable of moscos.

As part of this campaign to combat the Mosquito Transmitter of dengue, will also be carried out in the programme of descacharre permanent which includes the formation of the committees of neighbors, who are responsible for maintaining clean the solar wasteland or housing coordinated with the staff of public services and oomislim through the business tecmed.

Lastly, we have been informed that we are also led to Cabo work spraying in the premises of cereso, as well as in the garden of children ' new paths ', However, the programme of fumigation will also include a number of other educational institutions.

Direction of communication and social
21st h. City Hall Of Port peñasco
Port peñasco, go ahead!


Three cases in Penasco....I am sort of waiting for the real estate hustlers to start defending Penasco Mosquitos by telling us how bad mosquitos they are in the states... There is so much water on the coast that it needs a huge effort.The landscape around the highway just outside of town is like a swamp in places...
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There is still water on the sides of the roads, and yes, the mosquitos are out. We sprayed our yard, and they weren't too bad-wear your Deet!