Desert colors


Here are some pitures of the amazing colors seen around Rocky Point thanks to the abundant winter rains


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Hey should have gotten a closer shot of the van....can't read the writing on the sides.....:rofl:

By the way, where were the shots taken?


Just about 5 miles or less out of town by the red and white TV antena on the west side of the highway, the amount of flowers and the aroma in the air is just amazing

How is that for a plug, it is changing very fast, a couple of days of lower 80's in the desert and the plants are drying quickly!!
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it is the almost the same towards Mayan Palace, more yellow though
039..jpgthis is where the new highway from Sonoyta enters RP next to the new airport, in front of the Mayan entrance
Just about 5 miles or less out of town by the red and white TV antena on the west side of the highway, the amount of flowers and the aroma in the air is just amazing
View attachment 928

How is that for a plug, it is changing very fast, a couple of days of lower 80's in the desert and the plants are drying quickly!!
Much better Eduardo!!!
where can I go for faster WiFi PDO's waaay tooooo slooooww!!
If you're down there enough, it would be worthwhile for you to pick up a phone line and dsl for your place....the last time I checked at the phone company, it was 378 pesos per month, and that was for a 1.5 meg dsl and included 100 calls on the phone.

Otherwise, go over to the SandBar, or the Mirador Hotel, Capones, BooBar (plus a couple of other places on the Malecon), Max's Cafe. I'm pretty sure Max's and BooBar have an unlocked wifi, and you should be able to get the access code for SandBar. Don't know about Capones. I may have the access code for Mirador Hotel somewhere (if it still works).


007 (2)..jpghere are some pics of the new airport

there is not a permanent structure, the building is a colapsable one, small maybe a 40 by 60 wiht fiber glass side panels and panflex top.


Lovin it in RP!
Pinacate April 1s&#.jpgPinacate April 1s&#.jpgPinacate April 1s&#.jpgPinacate April 1s&#.jpg
Here are a few from the other day, some by Schuk Toak visitors center and 1 from the desert near Elegante Crater