Diamond Village


Do anyone on here know anything about Diamond Village? I know where it is and I know that it is another unfinished property. I haven't seen anything happening there in a long time. Are any of the units liveable? It seems that a friend is trying to settle an estate for his father and came across papers for the purchase of a house there. A couple of years ago I was told that the project wold never be completed and no one actually legally owned the land it was built on.


Everything I have heard is that ownership is questionable. You could go on a property and use it or maybe rent it forever but you just could not sell it. There are people living there and I know one person who says she got a trust in her name, a relative of mmmm you know who.


We drove through it last month. There were a few units that look occupied and a lot of homes that were unfinished and not being worked on. The pool was up and running along with some landscaping being maintained.


Hello there. As a Licensed Real Estate Agent, I do know what is going on. All the Diamond Village land was a property of two very famous lawyers in Arizona (wont say names). They borrow money from two banks and never paid, so there is a lien on the property for millions of dollars. As you can not registered a property with a lien on it, nobody in there (but 2 people that did the paperwork before the lien was registered at the public registry) has paperwork on it. Please contact me if you need any advice about your friend's property.

Do anyone on here know anything about Diamond Village? I know where it is and I know that it is another unfinished property. I haven't seen anything happening there in a long time. Are any of the units liveable? It seems that a friend is trying to settle an estate for his father and came across papers for the purchase of a house there. A couple of years ago I was told that the project wold never be completed and no one actually legally owned the land it was built on.

Ed B

Small Potatoes
Hello there. As a Licensed Real Estate Agent, I do know what is going on. All the Diamond Village land was a property of two very famous lawyers in Arizona (wont say names). They borrow money from two banks and never paid, so there is a lien on the property for millions of dollars. As you can not registered a property with a lien on it, nobody in there (but 2 people that did the paperwork before the lien was registered at the public registry) has paperwork on it. Please contact me if you need any advice about your friend's property.
Why not say names?


I can see why people invested. We all saw Sandy Beach and thought it would never end. But of course it did. There are alot of us the paid for condos that will never be finished. And no one knows what will ever happen to all the skeltons of unfinished projects.