Dog paperwork required at border crossing



I was asked for my dog's paperwork at the US border for the first time ever, on the way back from a trip in March 2011. I gave the agent her rabies paperwork only and he seemed happy with that.

Just a heads up for all those who travel with dogs :) No one has ever asked me for this before, so i was surprised. Good thing i decided to bring it anyway.

See you at the beach,

sea nile

Sea Nile
I was also asked. We have 3 dogs and were asked for there paperwork in December and on our last trip in February.
Best be prepared.


I too was asked for my three dogs When I asked why after all these years they are now asking for the paperwork, the response was that there are alot of viruses in Mx and they want to make sure that any dog coming back is up to date in their shots and won't bring anything back. Like sure I let my dogs roam the streets of RP while I am there


AKA Carnac
We were asked about our dogs about a year ago and were also asked by the agricultural inspector there that day if we were bringing any dog food back with us, I asked him why and he said it was because some of the mix in dog food could include banned meat and poultry products. I didn't have any dog food with me but I guess they can take it if they want to.


El Pirata
We should start a survey..Do you carry your Dogs paperwork?...Ha Ha those surveys suck...just my two cents. Hey how's it looking for spring break...Que dia tan
bello hoy en Tucson voy por un ri-te en la harley y ustedes sigen pistando--


AKA Carnac
Spring break to me looks like a flop. Aqui tambien en Penasco, esta perfecto. No estoy pistiando, vamos a salir en el barco un ratito a las once. Y cuidate' con la moto.Diviertate!!
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El Pirata
Get some pics of the beach and post...since no one else will, do you have any pics braden?
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