

AKA Carnac
I was threatend with a fraud charge years ago because a notary in Penasco and Banamex took about a year to put together a trust for a lady I had sold land to. I know it looks & feels bad but thats the process. The hold up is probably the bank as they are way understaffed.


Wahoo Seza; "Until an Ejido has been transferred to private ownership, with title, there is no 100% safe way to buy Ejido property as a foreigner, although many do purchase this type of land. "

I fully agree with this statement, however as clarification remember you should distinguish between Former Ejido Property and Ejido Property

AS Lagrimis says, there is a process whereby part of or an entire Ejido can be legally dissolved and the land itself transferred to private ownership of the individual members of the Ejido. Individuals do not usually buy land directly from an Ejido. Titles are issued in the names of the members and these properties can then be sold directly to a Mexican via a title or to a non-Mexican via a Fidiecomiso or Bank Trust. In these cases the land is really no longer Ejido land at the time of sale. Former Ejido land, yes. Unfortunately these lands often continued to be informally labeled with 'Ejido XXX' a geographical identifyer, not a legal entitiy, creating the false impression that the lands are in a legal Ejido.

If the seller holds a Mexican Title on a piece of property, in his or her name, the land cannot be held in an Ejido since there are no individual titles issued on land still under an Ejido. This can occur only when the Ejido has gone through the lenghty legal process effectively dissoving the Ejido and distributing the land to the members. If there is a title, it is not Ejido land. If it is Ejido land, there will be no title.

I have seen Ejido members offering land for sale with paperwork from the Ejido identifyiing 'their' lands but as I understand it, those are 'use' documents, not ownership documents and do not permit a legal sale. A valid, registered Mexican title (or a Fidiecomiso) is the simple key to buying former Ejido land.

Yes, I have seen many titles on land at Aceves Lopez, Formerly Aceves Lopez Ejido. And yes, I have seen many Fidiecomisos issued to non Mexican buyers. And yes, I have seen more problems with land in Las Conchas than at Aceves Lopez. And yes, I know of people who bought land at Lopez Aceves under the 'trusted friend' process and had problems getting ownership.
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