El Gringo Loco Busted!


El Pirata
Behind the Railing
"EL GRINGO LOCO" became aggressive....Sorry bad Translation

By: Silvano Galicia

Nothing this click "Gringo Loco" became ditto, was released to pend chinagadazos throwing .... He hit a couple of sixties, as a worker, and pave property, fell nothing but "the full weight of the law," 160 kilos "of pure muscle" (hahaha) the tremendous "Panzer I" was the one who controlled the schizophrenic subject, "pure quality tourism".
According to the informative part prepared by municipal preventive agents who intervened in the matter, at about four-thirty in the afternoon of Wednesday, no bastard, who quickly cast out the fourth month of the year, for courses of La Choya, where demand " El Sherif "heavier course, received the delegation called on located in Cholla Bay, called in requesting the presence of the police, because at that time had raided a subject property, and was verbally and physically assaulting a couple of Americans over 60 years and a person who was making a repair in the couple's home, police commissioners in local preventive sector, attended the home located on Block 24, Lot 13, taking the view who is known as "El Gringo Loco" who had attacked the elderly couple as a worker of these.
The officers spoke with who was identified as Nicholas Morales Armenta, who told officers he had been hired by the pairing of Phillip and Sandy Kubis, he 69-year-old and her 63, just before an American who came known only as "El Gringo Loco" who verbally attacked him, almost immediately, was physical aggression, being involved in those moments when Mr. Phillip Kudis, who tried to talk to the angry subject, as it turned out later, "The Loco Gringo "made claims to Nicholas, whom he accused of theft, a charge denied Nicholas when the old man intervenes wanting dialogue with the subject, this physically assaulted him, being then when the lady tries to calm things down, but was also assaulted unbalanced by the subject, regardless of the age of both their sixties, being in the moment in which locals called police to the rail and the rail, is seeking the assistance of that colony commission agents, agents which immediately showed up in the place, and the first controlled the irascible subject, while requesting the presence of a red cross ambulance car arrived almost immediately.
Paramedics of the institution, provided first aid to the three assaulted, who fortunately only received little consideration injuries, was taken to a single Local hospital Kudy Mr. Phillip, who was diagnosed with lesions on various parts of his body, all mild, of which take less than 15 days to heal, and not life threatening.
The aggressive subject, which strangely does not provide more details, saying only that "El Gringo Loco", who was transferred to public security facilities, being brought before a judge qualifier on duty, officer requested the presence of the medical examiner Municipal, certifying recent injuries have not found in your body economy, pending the certificate, then gave notice to Mr. Jesús Alberto Ocampo Figueroa, head of the ministerial agency based in this city official to whom was made available to the aggressive subject, who must resolve the legal status of the accused, and knowing the justice system prevails, for these hours the ******* brainless "Gringo" scaring people must walk through paths of La Choya.
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Jesus Arvizu and if k is pretty crazy the bastard
Like · Reply · 9 minutes ago

Mike Panasewicz For the law holds to the Loco Gringo. It really is crazy. They should take it from here.
Like · Reply · 7 minutes ago
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El Pirata
Detrás de la Barandilla

Por: Silvano Galicia

Pues nada que este ****** “Gringo Loco” se volvió ídem, se soltó echando chinagadazos a lo pend…. Golpeó a una pareja de sexagenarios, y a un trabajador, además de allanar propiedad ajena, nada más que le cayó “todo el peso de la ley”, 160 kilos “de puro músculo” (jajajajaja) el tremendo “Panzer I” fue quien controló al esquizofrénico sujeto, “puro turismo de calidad”.
Según el parte informativo elaborado por agentes preventivos municipales que intervinieron en el asunto, siendo aproximadamente las 4 y media de la tarde del miércoles, hay cabrón, que rápido no echamos el cuarto mes del año, por rumbos de La Choya, en donde manda “El Sherif” más pesado del rumbo, se recibió llamado en la delegación ubicada en Bahía La Choya, llamado en el que se solicitaba la presencia de la policía, ya que en esos momentos un sujeto había allanado propiedad ajena, y estaba agrediendo verbal y físicamente a una pareja de Norteamericanos mayores de 60 años y a una persona que estaba realizando una reparación en el domicilio de la pareja, agentes de la policía municipal preventiva comisionados en el sector, acudieron al domicilio ubicado en Manzana 24, Lote 13, teniendo a la vista a quien es conocido como “El Gringo Loco”, quien había agredido a la pareja de ancianos, y a un trabajador de estos.
Los agentes dialogaron con quien se identificó como Nicolás Morales Armenta, quien dijo a los agentes que había sido contratado por la pareja formada por Phillip y Sandy Kubis, él de 69 años de edad, y ella de 63, momentos antes llegó un norteamericano al que conoce solo como “El Gringo Loco”, quien lo agredió verbalmente, casi en seguida, la agresión fue física, siendo en esos momentos cuando interviene el señor Phillip Kudis, quien trató de dialogar con el enfurecido sujeto, según se supo posteriormente, “El Gringo Loco” le hizo reclamos a Nicolás, al que acusó de robo, acusación que Nicolás niega, cuando el anciano interviene queriendo dialogar con el sujeto, este lo agrede físicamente, siendo entonces cuando la dama trata de calmar los ánimos, pero fue también agredida por el desequilibrado sujeto, este sin tomar en cuenta la edad de ambos sexagenarios, siendo en estos momentos en que vecinos del lugar llamaron a LA BARANDILLA de policía, y de LA BARANDILLA, se solicita la intervención de los agentes comisionados en aquella colonia, agentes que de inmediato se apersonaron en el lugar, y primero controlaron al irascible sujeto, a la vez que se solicitaba la presencia de una ambulancia de la cruz roja, vehículo que llegó casi de inmediato.
Paramédicos de la institución, prestaron los primeros auxilios a los tres agredidos, quienes afortunadamente solo habían recibido lesiones de poca consideración, solo fue trasladado a un nosocomio local el señor Phillip Kudy, al que se le diagnosticaron lesiones en varias partes de su cuerpo, todas leves, de las que tardan menos de 15 días en sanar, y no ponen en peligro la vida.
El agresivo sujeto, del que extrañamente no se proporcionan más datos, solo que le dicen “El Gringo Loco”, quien fue trasladado a las instalaciones de seguridad pública, siendo presentado ante el juez calificador en turno, funcionario que solicitó la presencia del médico legista municipal, quien certificó no haber encontrado lesiones recientes en su economía corporal, quedando pendiente el certificado, luego se dio aviso al licenciado Jesús Alberto Figueroa Ocampo, titular de la agencia ministerial con base en esta ciudad, funcionario ante quien se puso a disposición al agresivo sujeto, quien deberá resolver la situación jurídica del inculpado, y conociendo el sistema de justicia que impera, para estas hora el ****** descerebrado “Gringo” debe de andar asustando gente por rumbos de La Choya.

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Loco Gringo (Ray Flinn) husband of local realtor Suzie Flinn has been terrorizing Cholla Bay for many years. It is about time the local authorities step up and do something about this problem.
Is he the one with the "castle" under construction? He invited me and friends on a tour of it one day (a year or so ago) as we happened upon him through our Cholla drive. We wondered about his, uh . . . intriguing stories.
Yes, he is the one, I have known about him and have spoken with him a couple of times in 20 years, and different he is.


I was there that day and was called to assist with injuries. Not needed, very minor. But what I did want to say is there has been bad blood between Flinn and his neighbor for years. They have both been hauled out of Cholla by the police many times with accusations against each other. The latest being Sandy's attempted murder charge against Flinn when he tryed to take her out with the mirror on his large truck. I think they all need to be escorted to the border.


The Ballad of Gringo Loco (a forum collaborative song writing effort)
(distant Trumpet solo...The lonely bull then we switch to ghost riders in the sky)
His name is Gringo Loco and he's loaded to the gills
Driving that big truck headed for the hills
A Realtor that crossed his path just missed being buried in the ground
wearing her Ipod she never heard a sound
with no warning he smacked herin the head
big extended mirror sent her to the hospital bed
Now Gringo Loco is ... all I got


Lovin it in RP!
Now gringo loco should be sitting in a cell
but it seems that he has been released to cause some others he**.
To some his actions are really of no import
to others the things he does to his neighbors are a reason to deport.



When gringo gets deported, with that big ole frown
We'll all get together and tear that eyesore down.
When we knock his castle down and push it in the sea
the world will be better for you and me.


Terry C

I don't know Gringo Loco from the man in the sea
But I sea he can be a pain in the sea
I sea the castle by the pictures I sea
What I sea is not a castle that should not be by the sea

Is it really nessessary to tear someone down when they are not here to defend them selves? I have known Ray Flynn for many years and he is eccentric to say the least. He does standup for Cholla Bay and does want the best for it, he just has a different way about him. I would say that many of the people on this forum are eccentric and many of the things said about Ray could be said about them.
Cholla Bay


Lovin it in RP!
Rick, after reading your post I was thinking about editing my part of the ode......then I thought it better to clarify my dislike for the man. He verbally abuses me in public whenever he gets a chance. He makes very forward statements to my wife when he sees her. She is very uncomfortable around him. I would say to his face what I wrote here. He is not innocent in this matter. Eccentric is ok if you don't abuse people. Then it is not ok.

Having said that we both love his wife Susie. She has always treated us well, she is a great supporter of the town and is encouraging.
I agree and have experienced most of what you have said. I have also see a kinder and considerate side of Ray. I just think mocking him on this forum does not help the situation. My wife talks to him about God and reads from the bible to him when he comes by.

Cholla Bay

Rick, after reading your post I was thinking about editing my part of the ode......then I thought it better to clarify my dislike for the man. He verbally abuses me in public whenever he gets a chance. He makes very forward statements to my wife when he sees her. She is very uncomfortable around him. I would say to his face what I wrote here. He is not innocent in this matter. Eccentric is ok if you don't abuse people. Then it is not ok.

Having said that we both love his wife Susie. She has always treated us well, she is a great supporter of the town and is encouraging.

Bob Oso

Rick, Have you ever spoken with the Kubis's? This dust up between them has been in the making for years, and it was only a matter of time. Having experienced first hand Gringos' mannerisms, I have no doubt who escalated the confrontation.


El Pirata
Domestic violence is a sad but terrible crime and should be dealt harshly and swiftly. This man needs counseling not bible study!
I am not trying to defend Rays actions. I am surprised that no one has not been seriously injured of killed by now.

Rick, Have you ever spoken with the Kubis's? This dust up between them has been in the making for years, and it was only a matter of time. Having experienced first hand Gringos' mannerisms, I have no doubt who escalated the confrontation.