

Kenny, where did I suggest, state or hint that The Man watches Fox News? Maybe in my old addled condition, I missed something. I didn't assume anything, because I know what happens when you
ass u & me something. I simply warned him about riling up those who would bash Fox News. Nothing more, nothing less. He did and look what happened. Here we go again.
I knew that, who me, was coming Jack, thanks for not disappointing me. Can I assume then that you watch Fox news, even though I can't pin you down on where you "say" you do? LOL

GV Jack

Snorin God
LOL Kenny,

OK Kenny, here’s a scoop for you. I DO watch Fox News, I also watch other news,like NBC, CBS, etc. Unlike many others, I try to be a little more parochial in my thinking. I refuse to shut out a view point because it is contrary to mine and I will never, ever dump on someone because I disagree with what they are watching. I guess that makes me an idiot.

Here’s another scoop for you. I believe what I watch, how I vote and where I pray is my business and only my business. I would never try to force my beliefs on someone else and would never condemn someone for their beliefs and what they watch or where they pray. The only time I would go contrary to that would be if someone was trying to take away my right to have them. I’m sure that is not your intention.

I’m not sure I understand your insistence on ferreting out what I watch, but I’ll give you my last scoop. Please keep it a secret because it’s rather personal. I would much rather watch a good ball game than any of the mostly political crap that’s on these days. In fact, I’d rather watch a bad ball game than that stuff I referred to.

There my friend, you finally dug it out. What do you know now you didn’t know before? Next time I get to the beautiful Prescott area, I’ll let you buy me a brew and you can try to dig deeper.

PS: I’m saddened by the fire on Whisky Row. It’s one of my favorite places in Arizona.


Fact is Jack my friend you'll have to go way back in my post's to find where I've ever mentioned Fox news first.. Unlike you who bring it up all the time, like in this thread.
The fire was mostly in the birdcage and the BBQ place. Hopefully they can get it opened for Frontier days, but their still assessing that.

The Man

yoooooo Kenny!

Kenny you old fart! I go back long before the start of the US war on drugs! Most likely go back to your time when I was born!

Where have I been, you say! The question is where have you been?

Yes I tune into Old Fox news to find out what the liberal left is doing to our northern Republic of the good old US of A!

Which by the way we are loseing fast into a different form of Gov!

So, you brought up me being of the start of the US drug war, am way older and never have or want to touch the stuff!

So, where have I been man, you said? well, I been around to really know what's going on up north, in fact its not that Fox News that stated what I talked about in my last posting!

So, I see you have been out of reality for a long time, as you don' see or refuse to see, what changes are being made up north! You will hear about things after the election or so!

So, I just stated in my post something I see coming, hope not! You may not see the changes coming at all!

Things are not all candy coated as one may think the states is!

So, now, I am not a left liberal, ultra right,
or anything political at all!

But, I'm down here in this place called Rocky Point, to injoy life, have fun, and the
good life, and not worry about political stuff up north!

I did my time, forth in a war for her, and now sitting back, and trying to find the best Margarita's in town as someone asked where!

So, let's take life easy here, and wait for the fun to start up north after the election!

Now, thinking about those federallies?????


not worry about political stuff up north!
Well good, because that political nonsense you posted earlier on this thread was just that.

I'm glad to hear your going to be staying down south in Mexico for awhile, it makes this South westerner feel just a little bit safer.:p


The quality of American democracy: The freest and most democratic nation? | The Economist were number 30!!!!!

We're Number One! 11 Things America 'Wins' At (PHOTOS) But fat assed mexico is number 2 in obesity...Sonoran food Kills!!!!!

"When it comes to the United States Of America, one thing is for sure: We're number one! (at a lot of ridiculous things). Don't get us wrong -- we've got every right to have patriotic pride -- but there are some world statistics that we probably shouldn't want to be #1 in. For instance, you might have known that we watch more television than any other country or that we have the most obese people, but did you know we also top the list of number of reptile deaths? And yes, that's "death by reptile" to be more specific. See what other statistics we found America "winning" from
Nation Master
's database and vote for the most ridiculous"

The Man

oh Kenny...Kenny!

WE hear you, that you never mention
FOX News ( fair and balanced news ) first on your posts......

But you seem to mention FOX News so much in your replies, that I have had a few poster friends say they started tuning in on Fox News just to see what Fox's news is all about, who never before lessened to Fox news before, as you keep bringing it up in your replies!

Your bringing Fox News reteings up, good job for Fox news!

As far as a southwester from Arizona, coming to RP.....were you referring to me the Man, or Gerry? I come from the
Great State of Jersey! Yup!

As far as that hog wash You stated in earlier post, saying its bull....t, where do you get your info from, that you say its crap or something like that?

Now, have you been out of the states so long, that your eyes of not open to what happening up north?

In the states we will have a much bigger military influence in the near future than you can ever think will come!

Now, find a way to tune onto Fox NEWS and have your eyes opened and get out of the sun, ja!

Now, back to the Mexican Federals in MEXICO, Its coming to a city near where you come from in the states soon!

All have a great day and keep your eyes open and a beach hat on top!

Darn, I need a beer!

the man

The Man

oh Kenny...Kenny!

WE hear you, that you never mention
FOX News ( fair and balanced news ) first on your posts......

But you seem to mention FOX News so much in your replies, that I have had a few poster friends say they started tuning in on Fox News just to see what Fox's news is all about, who never before lessened to Fox news before, as you keep bringing it up in your replies!

Your bringing Fox News reteings up, good job for Fox news!

As far as a southwester from Arizona, coming to RP.....were you referring to me the Man, or Gerry? I come from the
Great State of Jersey! Yup!

As far as that hog wash You stated in earlier post, saying its bull....t, where do you get your info from, that you say its crap or something like that?

Now, have you been out of the states so long, that your eyes of not open to what happening up north?

In the states we will have a much bigger military influence in the near future than you can ever think will come!

Now, find a way to tune onto Fox NEWS and have your eyes opened and get out of the sun, ja!

Now, back to the Mexican Federals in MEXICO, Its coming to a city near where you come from in the states soon!

All have a great day and keep your eyes open and a beach hat on top!

Darn, I need a beer!

the man


Now, have you been out of the states so long, that your eyes of not open to what happening up north?
Oh man!! Check it out on a map Jersey boy, the Southwest is in the states, as is New Mexico in case you are confused about that as well.... Here's our fearless leader folks, who's lucky to even know where in the hell he's at himself!

I'll say it once again..I'm glad to hear you're going to be staying down south in Mexico for awhile, it makes this South Westerner feel just a little bit safer.
Last edited:

The Man

Dear Kenny

Jersey old fart no confused ......

Knows where all is!

me no leader.....I just kick back and injoy RP. Please don't put me up on a pedestal!

Me now no confused now no at all....know where jersey is, southwest is, and New MEXICO is!

I getting smarter .....
I watch Fox News now!

Will sign up for Fox News podcasts to open me eyes!

Thank you Kenny! Can give you site address so you can sign up, to!

Will get you the info.....
now, you owe me a beer.

The Man _
(from jersey)


Kenny i think the Man may be a Bot....I hear they argue these days...and watch Fox news,,,hmmm maybe Jack is one too!

GV Jack

Snorin God
I've never been called that before. An Old Bat, yep but never been called a BOT. I kinda prefer that

How does a Bot compare to a RatFink? :jerry:

Oh yeah...another question. What the heck is a Bot?

The Man


I am not a " bot " But what is a bot?

Have I just been complemented?

Kenny..thanks for the site you gave me.

The Man

The Man

Face it, the US economy is socialist .....http://www.aljazeera.com/indep Kenny..... Your quote above is basically what I was talking about in my original post here on this thread! And its going to get worst up north. So, this only goes back to the fact that politics and religion can sure get the gall up! Now, I'm done with political stuff, that's why I'm here at Rocky Point, to relax and drink margarita 's. Now, religion, is a different matter! Guys, been fun, but please tell me what a " BOT " is? This jersey boy....( old fart now ) really don't know! If directed at me... it has to be a complement, Right ? ?????? The Man