Fin Whales Jan. 26, 2011


Fin Whales a.k.a. Finback Whales in the Sea of Cortez Rocky Point Puerto Penasco, Mexico...

Fin Whales are the second largest creature on this planet next to the Blue whale... they can reach the length of 70 feet and weight of 70,000 pounds at maturity... Fin Whales are also among the fastest swimmers of the Cetaceans, with bursts of speed that can reach 25 MPH.
Nice!!!......Mark...was that shot with your new camera?
Yes Joe that was with the new camera but I didn't shoot it in HD because I wanted to be sure I could be able to veiw it on my computer... still having problems with editting HD on my machine (need 2 gigs of ram)

One of the benefits of being a boat owner. I never get tired of the marine life.
Dan I totally agree with you... I'm so happy that I live next to the aquarium to the world...


It won't be much longer until I retire and make my move. If only the economy wuold straighten out I could do it now>
Great video, but I got a little seasick watching it, :lol: Both Mr. Huerita and I have a problem with that. I haven't seen whales close up since my days in Cabo when the grays came in for the winter. Man, that was such a great experience...