Fox News Report - The US Is Giving Part of Arizona Back to Mexico


There was some crazy-ass report on Fox News about the US giving part of southern Arizona, namely the area in between Casa Grande and Gila Bend off of I-8 (including the Buenos Aires Wildlife Refuge) back to Mexico because it's been taken over by the cartels. Ridiculous, I know!

I swear they're (fill in the blank for "they") are trying as hard as they can to create political unrest against Mexicans in this country. So sad.

They said the Wildlife Refuge is closed to the public, so I e-mailed the contact at the US Fish & Wildlife Service and this was the response I got:

"The refuge IS open to the public. We are receving calls and emails about this. Nothing has changed from previously, we're open as always. Erroneous information came out on Fox News and in some Web blogs.

The southernmost half-mile of the refuge has been closed to the public and refuge staff since 2006 so that Border Patrol can be unimpeded in their patrols. It also helps ensure public safety to not be in that area right along the border, just in case. There is less immigrant traffic along the southern boundary of the refuge now as a result of the 12-foot border fence.

The closure involves 3500 acres, but the rest of the refuge's 118,000 acres is open to the public . . . . driving, hiking, camping, bird-watching, hunting . . . as usual.
The refuge is definitely open and no additional closures have been instituted since 2006. You're welcome to visit!

Thank you for your concern.

Bonnie Swarbrick
Buenos Aires NWR"



You won't get much comment on this because Cognitive Dissonance theory will force the rightwing forum members that also love mexico to ignore that Fox news(who they also love) is trying to start a war with mexico(a place they love too).
"According to cognitive dissonance theory, there is a tendency for individuals to seek consistency among their cognitions (i.e., beliefs, opinions). When there is an inconsistency between attitudes or behaviors (dissonance), something must change to eliminate the dissonance. In the case of a discrepancy be"tween attitudes and behavior, it is most likely that the attitude will change to accommodate the behavior.


You won't get much comment on this because Cognitive Dissonance theory will force the rightwing forum members that also love mexico to ignore that Fox news(who they also love) is trying to start a war with mexico(a place they love too).
"According to cognitive dissonance theory, there is a tendency for individuals to seek consistency among their cognitions (i.e., beliefs, opinions). When there is an inconsistency between attitudes or behaviors (dissonance), something must change to eliminate the dissonance. In the case of a discrepancy be"tween attitudes and behavior, it is most likely that the attitude will change to accommodate the behavior.
Lol Jerry! I guess I respect everyone's opinion, but I'm also really happy I don't suffer from this Cognitive Dissonance! My ducks are all in a row.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Wait... I'm confused. If BLM is posting signs to tell Americans that say "Do not use the land south of I-8 because of drug and human smuggling," then isn't the net effect that we ARE giving the land back to Mexico??

I'm so confused. Why aren't we posting signs at the Mexican border, facing Mexico, that say "You are now entering America - Drug or human smuggling is illegal and will be enforced with guns!" Instead, we're just moving the border further north to Interstate 8? What next, I-10, then I-40?

What am I not getting here?


NWS notification of closure:

FOX news report:

I'm not reading anything about "giving the land back to Mexico" or other such nonsense. Seems like a straight up news report you could attribute to any news organization.
If people are relying on web blogs, that's their own problem.
Foxed must have changed the headline on the video - yesterday when I posted this the byline for the video read "U.S. Giving Part of Arizona Back to Mexico".