Funny Photos

Oh my...........

Just what we need, another liberal shitheads input. Post yer krap on the CNN funny minutes. All three assholes in your photo bombs are brainless clown-simpleton-actors who might be able to read a script but more than likely have a noodle in their ear to recite some dribble from that fat fuck heeb Ween-Steen. Go to google and look up "Haji Baba" he's the black asshole to the T in your top pix.


The krap you have posted is the brain dead mindless dribble that you obviously cut and pasted from Phoenix Craig's List Rants and Raves. All dumber that fucking dumb. Whats next? The Hindoo clown in the red suit with the bramha bull horns? Maybe an image of some dog shit on a lawn? A plate of tacos and beans? An old chimp with his balls lying on the ground? More hate-full anti-Trump shit? Get a fucking life asshole. Your avatar in an insult to the American flag. Is that you with the red rimmed shades? The other your raghead buddy?

Go away unless you have the slightest input that relates to this site.
