getting insurance


I have always gotten my auto police from Pro Alliance. I am going down Sunday. I wrote them and got a quote but had to change my dates and suddenly no response. I just need a policy for 4 days. Because Jack has been ill, I am not buying a year policy. Where do others buy short term policies?


Used these guys before we heard about Proalliance. I usually call them and do it over the phone, then they email the policy. One time I did it while on the way. Couldn't get there to pick up the policy before they were closing so they put it under a rock on their doorstep.


Found my RPTimes and got a number in there and it is already in the car. I did call Costco and it was almost double what is paid.


Costco is usually a very good way to go for any policy 14 days or over, especially if you go with the Limited Territory option (Mexican border states). Unfortunately, it doesn't look like Costco will be providing Mexican auto insurance much longer. Who knows though, maybe they will be going with another provider instead of their current one, Bonita West.

FYI: For those of you who currently have a policy with this Costco provider, here is what Costco is saying about it:

As of midnight, Saturday July 18, 2015 Bonita West Mexico Insurance Services will no longer be selling discounted insurance for Mexico in partnership with Costco Warehouse. All insurance certificates sold up to that point will be fully honored and serviced by Bonita West and the Mexican underwriters Mapfre Tepeyac and Qualitas until the expiration date. Please call Bonita West customer service at 800-265-1365 if you have any questions. We would like to thank all Costco members for their business and their loyalty and wish you all safe travels.


What is a good rate and insurance provider for a $20,000 vehicle? I went through Costco, Baja Mex, and San Born and they are all around $125-135. Does that sound about right for a 7 day stay in Mexico? If anyone knows of a reputable provider that offers it cheaper, please let know.


Cheaper is not always better. When buying insurance in a foreign country service is probably more important. The prices at ProAlliance are competitive and the service is outstanding, especially if you have an accident.


Cheaper is not always better. When buying insurance in a foreign country service is probably more important. The prices at ProAlliance are competitive and the service is outstanding, especially if you have an accident.
You sound like a car insurance salesman for proalliance...


You sound like a car insurance salesman for proalliance...
Why in the world would you ask a question and then go after someone who is giving you their considerate and legitimate advice, based upon their experience and opinion?

Especially when the advice is good advice.

Jump off this forum dude and go do your own research. Sounds like already know everything anyways.


Why in the world would you ask a question and then go after someone who is giving you their considerate and legitimate advice, based upon their experience and opinion?

Especially when the advice is good advice.

Jump off this forum dude and go do your own research. Sounds like already know everything anyways.
Wow, I was just ribbing the guy. I didn't know there was forum police on these boards. Too bad you took my post literally but it wasn't intended that way. In fact, I appreciate everyone's contributions. I've already contacted about 6 insurance companies including a couple suggested by other members on this forum. I don't rely on this forum for all my research but it does provide a meaningful contribution and I've thanked other members along the way if you read my other posts.

If you can't distinguish between a simple ribbing and "going after someone," then you should visit some other forums on the internet to see what going after someone really is. Thanks for the lecture, but this isn't my first rodeo.
I have always gotten my auto police from Pro Alliance. I am going down Sunday. I wrote them and got a quote but had to change my dates and suddenly no response. I just need a policy for 4 days. Because Jack has been ill, I am not buying a year policy. Where do others buy short term policies?
Cheaper is not always better. When buying insurance in a foreign country service is probably more important. The prices at ProAlliance are competitive and the service is outstanding, especially if you have an accident.
That estimate is about right if it's full coverage. I'm an insurance consultant. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. :)


Wow, I was just ribbing the guy. I didn't know there was forum police on these boards. Too bad you took my post literally but it wasn't intended that way. In fact, I appreciate everyone's contributions. I've already contacted about 6 insurance companies including a couple suggested by other members on this forum. I don't rely on this forum for all my research but it does provide a meaningful contribution and I've thanked other members along the way if you read my other posts.

If you can't distinguish between a simple ribbing and "going after someone," then you should visit some other forums on the internet to see what going after someone really is. Thanks for the lecture, but this isn't my first rodeo.
Glad to know you were just doing some 'ribbing' and that, as you say, wasn't intended that way.

The problem is, and yes I am not a forum junkie or expert like it sounds you are as this isn't your first rodeo, that it is virtually impossible for others to interpret what you type, and what is going on in your brain.

And misinterpretations happen, I get that.

But you as a non-first rodeo guy, might want to consider that people don't always get what your intentions are, as compared to what you type on your keyboard.


But you as a non-first rodeo guy, might want to consider that people don't always get what your intentions are, as compared to what you type on your keyboard.
Do you mean by trying to intimidate a new member and trying to run him off the forum? :D


That estimate is about right if it's full coverage. I'm an insurance consultant. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. :)
When we got our annual insurance through Costco, it was a Qualitas policy. We got the Limited Territory option. Is that option only good for annual policies, or can it be used for less than annual policies? It was a substantial savings.
When we got our annual insurance through Costco, it was a Qualitas policy. We got the Limited Territory option. Is that option only good for annual policies, or can it be used for less than annual policies? It was a substantial savings.
Yes it is. There are two types of policies; one with "limited" border states only and the other is "Full" which covers the whole country.


Fantastic! Our policy doesn't expire until next Apr, but we'll be calling you then.

JB123, I bet if you give Karen a try, you might find that the Limited Territory (for the Mexican border states) option beats any of the other quotes you got. Most insurance companies do not offer that. If you get a quote from her, please let us know how the rate compares with your other quotes.


Cheaper is not always better. When buying insurance in a foreign country service is probably more important. The prices at ProAlliance are competitive and the service is outstanding, especially if you have an accident.
I am not a salesperson and I agree with Tortuga