Going rates for taxi cabs


How much should I pay (for 1 passenger) for Malecon to/from Sandy Beach (Sonoran Sky) without being insulting or ripped off? Last time it was about $12 US (for 2 passengers), which I considered a marginally acceptable tourist tax.

How about around town (e.g. Malecon to Shots)? Last time it was about $12 US, which I considered unfair tourist tax.



Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
12 dollars for in town? It just went up to 25 pesos (about 2 bucks) from 20 for in town. It's usually 20 bucks from town to Sandy Beach. Sorry you paid 12 bucks.....
I haven't taken many cabs in Penasco but live in Nogales so am familiar with rough distances and taxi prices in Mexico. From Malecon to the SKY- I'd think 100 pesos (~8 bucks) is decent- 12 bucks is a bit high but not outrageous. I'm not sure exactly where Shots is but I'd assume Calle 13 area? From there to Malecon, I'd assume maybe 70 pesos (~5 bucks).

One key is to negotiate pricing beforehand. If you just hop in and tell them where you wanna go, its more likely they'll jack up the price at the end, and then you're 'trapped' because services have already been rendered so to speak. This bargaining technique applies in many other other places in Mexico as well ;)


The last several times I have been down the rates have been fairly consitent. From Penasco del Sol to the Malecon $ 2.00 per person.
Penasco del Sol to Wrecked at the Reef or Malecon to Sandy Beach $ 6.00 per person. Penasco del Sol to JJ's or Malecon to
Wrecked at the Reef $ 8.00 per person.