Good Read

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
No offense or anything but this is the same Gus Brown that has been working on his house in Cholla Bay for the last 8 years? If you cant even finish the home you're living in what makes you think you can do this? Also, they cant even afford to water LP golf course, how are they planning on having another 2 or 3 courses there?! Also, how do they plan on having a waterway connect Cholla Bay? What happens when the tide goes out and cholla bay is dirt? Are they going to create a system of locks? I hate to be so pessimistic but the town of RP cant even get their streets paved let alone build all of this <WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP> in the concept...


The house in Cholla is owned by a local Realtor and her husband, Gus has nothing to do with Las Palomas, and yes, he has hired a famous lock builder from England to design and build for the marina project. (the marina is a private venture, the port will be government money) I have spent a lot of time communicating with Gus and his team lately, discussing plans and progress and it is very real this time around. The plan has been there for several years but the economy had put a stop to it. Now, with the Federal Government stepping up, it won't have to wait for the economy to completely rebound.


I truly hope it works Jim it would be nice to see Cholla bay Separated from the rest of Rocky Point are they going to put in a toll bridge to cross over? . My question is who gets paid for the cruise ships docking at the marina? What ever happened to the construction of the Movie Plex I thought that was a Govt. venture as well?


I always forget if this were a 50's cowboy movie would Gus Brown be wearing a black hat or a white hat?
Let's just hope his design team learned something from the blight that was formerly called the Condo Boom(of which he is given equal parts credit or blame)
!. You can't build and then just hope infrastructure catches up
2. What happens if the road from the border becomes an issue (slow crossing or worse (badges we don't need no stinkin badges" related)
3. Why would this be better than just flying to LA and taking a cruise from Long Beach?
4. What happens when the drunk captain sinks the boat in the lock and Rob can't get home....then you guys are in trouble!

Bob Oso

I was talking with a few of the locals in Cholla about this over New Years. According to them, GB's plan is to demo black mountain accross Cholla Bay to ground level and use the mountain material to build the sea wall and locks.

I as well wish he would take care of business in Cholla first, before starting this endevor.


Jerry the way I read it was the cruise ships are more for Nationals to go on a cruise not the Americans. (takes care of points 2 and 3). The infrastructure for the ships has been planned out from fuel to marina (just going by what I have read) this will just be a stop over like a cruise from Ca. to Ensenada (you are only there for the day) so you don't have the need for hotels just food and bars..Why do you assume the captain will be drunk and sink the boat is this just old man negativity? Personally I hope they don't build the marina and they don't get the cruise ships. Last thing I want to see when I am sitting on the balcony of my condo is a big smoke belching cruise ship obstructing the view of the sunset.


Progress is a nice word. But change is its motivator and change has its enemies. –​
Robert F. Kennedy

It is the nature of a man as he grows older… to protest against change, particularly change for the​
better. –
John Steinbeck


"Why do you assume the captain will be drunk and sink the boat is this just old man negativity? " ha!!! yep a dash of that,a dash of what's laying on the beach now and the Italian thing...


this boat and pony show is interesting in a horrifying way but...A better plan to aid the overall economy would be to set up light rail from Nogales,Hermosillo,Mexicalli and Caborca...the Mexican people and American People would love it. Hell the train from Nogales to Tucson goes right by my shop (I jumped it once and was taken to the Mexican border)

El Gato

Drove by the Convention Center site this morning and they were busy out there - it looks like a small structure is being built - like maybe a shed for equipment and/or guard?


this boat and pony show is interesting in a horrifying way but...A better plan to aid the overall economy would be to set up light rail from Nogales,Hermosillo,Mexicalli and Caborca...the Mexican people and American People would love it. Hell the train from Nogales to Tucson goes right by my shop (I jumped it once and was taken to the Mexican border)

There was a thread not to long ago that talked about the train from northern Sonora that ran south thru Penasco.. It should be starting up soon it was the old Gold Canyon Railroad train if I remember correctly and yes I will take that when it starts.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
When the author mentions "imminent" numerous times throughout the article, what exactly does he mean by that? Imminent in 12 years or 3? Im just curious of the planned time table. Even a ball park figure will suffice. Furthermore, "Jerry the way I read it was the cruise ships are more for Nationals to go on a cruise not the Americans.", really? Im pretty sure I read the author mention cruise markets in Phoenix, Tucson, and Southern California. In addition, the author quantitatively states the income in these afromentioned markets. So when I read the article I concluded with the complete polar opposite. Im pretty sure these cruise liners will be relying heavily on American tourism. That's one of GB's selling points, location in relation to big US markets......


Imminent means, in my and several other opinions, that they are delaying the announcement for political reasons. Everyone that I spoke with, from the SBR team to the Mayor agreed that it is "imminent", however the actual official announcement and groundbreaking date has not been disclosed. I am sure that it will be prior to the July elections. The current party will certainly want to get some traction from the announcement and start of construction headlines.
The Mexican cruisers are a big part of the decision to move forward with this project, but they are only one part of the formula. Of course, they are looking for Americans from Arizona and California. They also made sure that the new airport was adequate to handle the potential influx from all areas, both National and International, outside of the driving demographic.
No, they are not going to blow up competition hill. They have already secured a source for all the rock needed from black mountain area.

Ed B

Small Potatoes
Jim, was anything mentioned about finishing other unfinished projects like Esmeralda? Lots of people got burned (and still burning) and would not be real happy watching this project get completed before they were delivered their condo. I am not an owner there.....just know some who are.

Very interesting reading. I actually had heard about this and saw some conceptdrawings when I was last there in July 2010 (long overdue trip needed)

The Reef! What About The Reef?

Looking at the drawings and looking at Google Earth, does this project cutout the Reef? Hard to tell if it cuts through before or after the park. I amnot ready to retire, but I have been seriously considering buying a traveltrailer and parking it out there so at least I have a place to stay whenever Iwant to go. Are my hopes and dreams going to be smashed?


El Gato

We've heard several different versions on Esmeralda - one that the lien was lifted but nothing further was going to happen - at least for a while. Two, that the lien was lifted and that it was going to be completed, along with a Marriott going in - I presume the unfinished tower. If the port goes in where indicated, I can't imagine they would want rusted cranes and an unfinished structure among the first things that cruise passengers would see. Not a good first impression.

Jim, was anything mentioned about finishing other unfinished projects like Esmeralda? Lots of people got burned (and still burning) and would not be real happy watching this project get completed before they were delivered their condo. I am not an owner there.....just know some who are.


I really wish they would finish the roads in the Old Port. Drove down yesterday and I could not find a road to get out! Much worse than it has been. No directional signs, huge holes, tipped manhole covers, piles of concrete and dirt in the streets, backhoes and graders blocking streets. ALL OVER. But very little is finished ready for use. I pity the residents AND the unwary tourist that comes to spend some money.
We were there in July '10 and there was some of the same, not quite as warzone-ish as it sounds now. Guess I'll lbe staying away from there next month.