Happy Mother's Day Mom!

Mentiras y Traición

Sonoran Goddess
We miss you every day and will love you forever. We would love to be with where we left you and Steve at your house in Las Conchas, but for another Mother's Day we cannot visit you where your spirit soared and where you are most felt to be with us.

Hopefully soon, the plague that engulfs what used to be our family's retreat will be eradicated. I only hope there is enough of you left...both physically and spiritually when that happens. It is so hard to think about you and Steve dissipating with every party, quincenera, wedding or faux religious groups who refuse to "practice what they preach." I can only imagine how much of you is taken each time the plague uses your dream for profit and power.

I hope with every breeze a piece of you two find happiness in the midst of this overwhelming betrayal.

I wish we would have known the future when we scattered your ashes around your home in Las Conchas....
I love you mi hermana!! You said it so beautifully...I miss mom,Steve and the dogs that we left there that day. And I miss what we had for a while when you and I.. and Jimbo too were able to be there and reflect what mom and dads dream was.
Love you !