Here I go again........


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
I had my first regular ultrasound on my stents today and the news is not good. The stents are filling up with plaque and I have to get roto rootered. I was so stunned I forgot to ask questions.......... He did tell me that this happens in one third of the cases. He did not tell me if this may happen again. I am sooo bummed and I have to get anesthetized again......It's laparascopy and he told me I would be recovered in 1 or 2 days except for my self dissolving plug where they insert the equipment. I decided to have it done on Friday the 21st so I'll be sure and able to come to PP for Veteran's Day. When will it end....I'm going to do some research and see if there is anything I can do to help like lose a hundred pounds and take vitamins and eat better.......I am sooooo bummed.......


Sorry to hear Ladyjeeper about the stents, but I'm sure you'll come through find and be back in Penasco in no time.


Wow, sorry to hear that. Ok, so since I have "butter" coursing through my veins, and apparently so do you, I suggest we get on the "BAND WAGON TO BETTER HEALTH"!! This, of course, will entail eating better food, start walking or riding a bike (Remember Stuart said he lost 40 lbs on his bike) and cut back on the booze, sniff, sniff. (Although I was about 50 lbs lighter when I drank all the

This is serious, do your research, ask your questions, and let's get going! No more fooling around. We can't have you missing out on time in PP!! It's the SEASON!!!

Keep us posted !! You're gonna do fine once you figure out the direction you need to take. And, if I'm not enough of a cheerleader, we'll call on RUSS to help with the cause!! LOL


I know you'll be fine! My Day had a pacemaker put in at the VA and was home the next day. I don't care what the "haters" say we have the best health care in the world right now...
No more potatoes filled with 2 lbs. of cheese for your research.....and get a second opinion....for anything! With the problems I've had recently, that's become my mantra!

Things will work out....


Best of luck Chari maybe you need a few looonnnngggg walks on the beach with your honey...Remember if we all thought we would live this long we would have taken better care of ourselves as youths
Good luck to you and I will be keep you in my prayers. I have been in PDO #9 for 12 years , live in Tucson. I went by your place this past Saturday to meet you, not home. I met Beachgirl this past week. I always enjoy your stories and good sense of humor.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Well, no surgery today........... I'll try again for next Friday..........Surgeon's schedulers won't return my calls......Sigh....


Good luck with this ..when you were at the party in Prescott last year you were just getting going on the procedures as i remember.The good part is you have good insurance.Can you imagine dealing with this with a 10 grand deductible or no insurance!
Well, no surgery today........... I'll try again for next Friday..........Surgeon's schedulers won't return my calls......Sigh....


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
No, that's why i hadn't retired yet because the best insurance I had found up to that point only paid 70 percent of in or out patient procedures. Since my little 10 hour outpatient stent placement procedure cost 65 thousand, (yes, 65 thousand dollars), I was wigged. 30 percent of that is 20 thousand! I don't have it. I just did however, find insurance that is identical to what I have now. The Az State Retirement System won't tell you about it because they want us potential retirees to buy theirs. This identical one is thru the state of Az DOA.....I started asking my retired friends and they were the ones to tell me...............

How can 10 hours in a hospital cost 65 thousand dollars...............

GV Jack

Snorin God
No, that's why i hadn't retired yet because the best insurance I had found up to that point only paid 70 percent of in or out patient procedures. Since my little 10 hour outpatient stent placement procedure cost 65 thousand, (yes, 65 thousand dollars), I was wigged. 30 percent of that is 20 thousand! I don't have it. I just did however, find insurance that is identical to what I have now. The Az State Retirement System won't tell you about it because they want us potential retirees to buy theirs. This identical one is thru the state of Az DOA.....I started asking my retired friends and they were the ones to tell me...............

How can 10 hours in a hospital cost 65 thousand dollars...............
Chari...First we have no secrets..Just trying to use the mooning Icons for the first time and give you a tough time..
Second. I would rethink that insurance or ask them to chage their name...DOA?????
Third. We should get the really, really smart folks on this panel to come up with something like Metamusal for the arteries. It works great for me on other systems.
When my wife lost her job, because of one of her five back operations she went on COBRA and it raised to $1700 a month. We certainly couldn't afford that so I put her to work for me ????
and went on Univ Physicians Health care coverage. $400 a month and it was decent coverage.

What a bummer. I thought you'd be out,home and giving us a hard time by now. Oh well, one outta three ain't bad.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Oh ha ha Dead on arrival....No, DOA is Dept. of Administration of the state of Arizona. They contract with United health Care which is who I have now. The Az State retirement system has their own and they won't tell us about the other choices thru the Az Dept. of Admin. UHC thru the DOA will cost me 450 a month.

Metamusil....... Friggin' hilarious, Jack. You crack me up!

Mentiras y Traición

Sonoran Goddess
Charbroiled! Try the South Beach diet. It works wonders and is very healthy. Food prep is a little intensive, but well worth it. PLEASE take care of yourself!!!

Mentiras y Traición

Sonoran Goddess
No, that's why i hadn't retired yet because the best insurance I had found up to that point only paid 70 percent of in or out patient procedures. Since my little 10 hour outpatient stent placement procedure cost 65 thousand, (yes, 65 thousand dollars), I was wigged. 30 percent of that is 20 thousand! I don't have it. I just did however, find insurance that is identical to what I have now. The Az State Retirement System won't tell you about it because they want us potential retirees to buy theirs. This identical one is thru the state of Az DOA.....I started asking my retired friends and they were the ones to tell me...............

How can 10 hours in a hospital cost 65 thousand dollars...............
Holy Crap!