How the weather today

Weather is just starting to turn nasty, not too bad last week. But the dew points are in the 70s now. When you see the low stay above 83 at night it's over for decent weather till Oct. Wind is 5mph in the am and 15 in the afternoon.


Today was more humid than the past for days by a little. I went back in my weather station history and it was the very same week last year that the hot weather started.



As of 3:00 PM, Wed Jun 29 2022​
Station: Playa Encanto, Casa Cabrillas (Mondone)
Weather Station
Temp91 °F
High Temp94 °F at 10:57 AM
Low Temp84 °F at 1:14 AM
Hum73 %
Inside Temp95 °F
Inside Hum51 %
Heat Index112 °F
Wind Chill91 °F
Dew Point81 °F
Barometer29.88 in Hg
Wind Speed6 mph
Wind DirectionSSE
High Wind Speed13 mph at 4:20 AM
10 Min Avg Wind8 mph
Rain Rate0.00 in/h
Day Rain0.00 in
Month Rain0.00 in
Year Rain0.03 in

It's hotter inside your house than outside. My place in Cholla is the same 94-95 degrees when we open up our house during the summer.
The mini-splits run for 3-4 hours before it's under 85. People really need to like the heat and humidity to go this time of the year.


Lovin it in RP!
that's weird....we still only use a/c for nighttime for sleep. The house stays pretty cool all day without a/c.