How to convince my parents it is safe?

Greetings all!

So I have to tell my parents we are making the move to RP. They are going to freak. They don't want my family to move to another state much less another country. They freak out every time we travel to Mexico and think something terrible is going to happen.
I need some help convincing them we are going to safe in RP. I have never felt uncomforatble anywhere I have traveled in mexico. I have probably felt less safe in certain parts of the US.

Any advise?

I know too they are going to be mad that I am taking their only grandson to Mexico but they are only 7 hours away.



It's been my experience that you can't change people's perceptions. They're not going to like it, but if this is your choice - as an adult with your own family - they're going to have to live with it. If they've never been down there, then once you get settled you're going to have to convince them to come down and see it for themselves. Being there, experiencing it personally, is the only way to change their minds. I also understand that even as adults we're still always striving for our parent's approval and we feel hurt when we don't have it. But, you need to do what's right for you and your immediate family. You can't live your life the way others think you should be living it. Try not to argue, and just let them know that you would appreciate them respecting your decision. Good luck.

GV Jack

Snorin God
And that you will always love them whether you're next door or the next country over.
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Things I typically tell my friends to get them to come down to my house in La Choya

1. Tell them that there was a new "leash law" introduced in Rocky Point and dog owners get fined for having their dogs **** on your sidewalk.

2. Tell them that there has been a new community effort to pick up the trash on the sides of the highway from LukeVille to Penasco.

3. Tell them that every thing is "almost free" today

4. Tell them that Obama just upgraded Mexico to a middle class nation

Although all these things are complete rediculous BS, after about 6 beers each on the highway into town the seem to relax more, well that is untill they see the Army with the 1960s G3's searching cars lol


The best response to this situation is often a firm, friendly, reassuring, response. Respond with confidence but not with a lot of words. Smile, relax and acknowledge their feelings without extensive discussion. A lot of talk and attempts at reassurance is situations like this often increase the fear rather than reduce the fear. It is sometimes as if the logic is "Why would they (you in this case) talk about it so much if it were really safe." If you worry about their response and get anxious about what they say to you when you talk, that may create an appearance that you are worried about moving too. If they bring it up for discussion a lot, change the subject to something neutral. Remember you are dealing with feelings and not facts. Move ahead in an open manner letting them know what you are doing and when. Yes, let them know they are always welcome at your house. This family stuff is often more about control than anything so if they sense you weakening they may increase pressure. Good luck, you can do it!!


Tell them it is basically a Arizona/Sonora blended town and you can walk back to Arizona in a pinch.


You can't change people's minds. Share with them your positive experiences in Mexico and keep an invitation open for them to visit. Our families weren't thrilled either when we moved to PP however we did what we felt was right for us.

AZ Miguel

Tell them not to worry about it and to look on the positive side, if you get shot in the cross fire at least you'll have a great view of the beach :)


From 2001 to 2010 there were 3300 people murdered in Arizona. There were 1700 troops killed in Afghanistan. No Americans murdered in Rocky Point.

dry heat

Pigeon coup coordinator
rather than tell them. I will let you know what is often done in the legal field... just ask questions. If they don't like the idea of you moving, ask for specifics as to what concerns them (specifically about rocky point). the less you tell them and the more you ask them... the better. Then ask for comparisons of similar size cities in the US. tell the you need them to research to help you get a better idea as to where they are coming from and you want to address any concerns they have uncovered.


Try publishing the local crime stats for state, county, or city that they live in. Focus on gang stats if you can get them. Of course not easy to convince anyone there that gang and cartel are the same thing.
Oh my gosh! You all are so wonderful. I can't tell you how much i appreciate your quick and encouraging responses. It makes me want to get down there faster to be apart of your wonderful community.
thanks and see you all soon!