I Smell a Rata - Be Careful Paying Bills

Today I went to pay my water bills at OOMAPAS for the entire year of 2011, to qualify for the discount of 12 or 15 % (I'm not sure which one it is) if one pays in January for the entire year. Last year I paid in February so missed the discount. With each bill more than 3500 pesos last year, the discount is significant.

Last year all I got from the clerk was a small " carbon copy " receipt slip similar to what one gets at a supermarket. I gave it to the clerk and he immediately ran his calculator and gave me a sticky note indicating I owed an amount 10 % more than last year. He did not look in his computer to bring up my account. All he would say was that rates for 2011 were 10 % more than 2010 in "certain parts of the city".

I asked for a regular bill like I received for 2009. He refused to give me anything more than the sticky note. He wanted my payment to be very " informal "

I asked him about the discount and he said the new amount he demanded for 2011 took into account the discount for paying early. He did not notice that my receipt for last year was not discounted. Without looking in his computer he had no idea how much I really should be paying today, except he was certain of the new amount he wanted which was 10 % more than I paid last year.

I asked him what authority authorized the 10 % increase. He refused to answer and took me to an office where he had a whispered aside conversation with 2 women. He left and the 2 women made a big to-do about printing out a payment history for one of the properties since 2007. ( I have records of what I paid and don't need their confirmation ). They also refused to give me any actual billing for 2011. They then called someone who supposedly would tell me who authorized the 10 % increase. After a long wait no one appeared and I left.

In a week or two I will return but only with my account numbers, to force him to actually look at my account and show me the actual official billing. I expect the actual amount will be much lower than what he wanted me to pay today. I'm sure he planned to give the "juice" to a worthy charity.

I can't believe any public employees in Penasco would try get money for anything other than official and legitimate purposes.


There was an increase in water for this year. The HOH of Las Conchas sent out a notice a month ago telling people of it.

Mentiras y Traición

Sonoran Goddess
:sharks:Warning! Do not let your property manager pay the bill. If he/she gets it in their name, they can use that to claim ownership of your property. Same with electric or any other utility you use in Mexico....
OOMAPAS has been difficult to deal with during the last two years. I have two water services to my property with separate contracts. The fees for one service are much higher than the other, although there is much less useage on the service that I pay higher for. I insisted that a meter be installed on the service that I pay more for. After many promises, no meter. I met with the water director, who lowered my charge (but not my rate), and still no meter. I met with the dispatcher, who radioed a field worker to intall a meter on my property. Reply: "No meters in the truck". Finally, got a meter installed ON THE WRONG SERVICE! The meter was installed behind a wall where it couldn't be read! When the water company was questioned, the reply was: "It was put there to keep it from being stolen"!

Well, I finally got a meter installed on both services. Guess what? Nothing has changed! My metered useage has not exceeded the minimum charge. Not like the electric company, where you are charges for the actual useage.