Ironic, if nothing else!

Just got back yesterday afternoon from a six night stay. We had a fantastic time-- weather was perfect, water was perfect,
Friday night fish and seafood fry was yummmmmmy (read my post about it in the fishing section), PDO was fuller than we expected (nice to meet new people and see people we've talked with before)-no problems whatsoever. Then we crossed back into the states. No problem at the border-reminded us about June 1st (paperwork is done, just waiting for the cards), came in the motorhome and looked around, checked some outside compartments-twenty minutes total (there was only one lane open when we got there and quite a number of cars in line, so they did open another lane) and we were on our way. We knew of the chipping and sealing going on, but didn't think too much about until the first car, coming from the opposite direction, passed us. Threw stones all over the place. More cars coming and throwing stones as they passed. An idiot behind us passed us hauling ass-lots more stones. Within ten minutes, we had three "stars" adorning our windshield. My husband was so pissed but we drove on and tried not to dwell on it. We got within ten miles or so from our home (hours later and the hubby had calmed down considerably by this time), school had let out and as a school bus passed us (from the opposite direction), a rather large rock (or something that looked like a rock) came flying from the bus and guess where it hit--the windsheild. Totally destroyed it and came very, very close to giving us heart attacks--it sounded as if someone fired a shotgun inside the motorhome. Now the first thing we found ironic was the fact that this was a brand-spanking-new windsheild. The shop got it replaced just in time for us to make this trip. The school district is going to pay for the replacement (they came out and took pictures, I had to file a police report, the whole nine yards) but we made reservations at PDO for next month and am not sure if it can be replaced in that short amount of time. Anyway, the second and most ironic part of this is the fact that sooooo many people said we were crazy, nuts, idiots, dumbasses, etc. for going to Mexico in the first place. Now we can just sit back and watch them eat their words:lol:. NO PROBLEMS IN MEXICO-NOTHING HAPPENED UNTIL THE MINUTE WE CROSSED THE BORDER. I know this was nothing dire or life threatening (the windsheild), but I have to reiterate that everything was perfect in RP-not so much in the US. So for anyone out there who has never gone or has doubts about going to RP, forget it. Go and have a wonderful time. Just watch your windsheild!:p


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
You're not the only one needing a new windshield. Me too, and I'm certain many, many others that came back on Monday or Tuesday.

Stoooopid god-damned way to pave the road. Pour some slurry, dump a bunch of rocks on it, and let everybody drive on it.

I still had rocks coming out when I made it home to Tempe. The truck tires are still loaded with them, ready to cut loose and break somebody else's windshield.
We figured it did damage to many other vehicles as well. And Stuart, my husband's first words were "who's the f---ing asshole mastermind behind this project". What the hell are ya gonna do?!


Last time the State/County encouraged people to file a claim for damages and I was under the impression that they honored them.

El Feo

Do you think it will be settled down by now? I'm off to Phoenix to pick up my son in the AM, I sure hope it won't cost me a windshield.

It's a crappy way to recondition roads. It's cheaper for the Govt. but I think some of the savings are paid by the taxpayers in vehicle damage.


On the irony note and the so-called stupidity of traveling to Rocky Point - there is a HUMONGOUS disconnect between perception and reality about Penasco and Mexico in general, we all know that here. The thing that infuriates me though is how adamant, how absolutely, irrefutably sure all these sheep are about the dangers of RP - so grounded in their willful ignorance are they that they feel wholly justified in calling us "stupid". They base their so called wisdom on how loudly their fellow sheep "B-a-a-a" and confrim their own hysterial "B-a-a's"! I swear to God I want to take a wiffle bat to some people's heads until I knock the stupid loose.


I couldn't agree more. We were supposed to go down the weekend of the "Swine Flu" hysteria and no matter what I said the people I would be travelling with were all to worried about catching the flu, Last week 2 of them were home sick with "flu like" symptoms. Made my day. While they were home sick I was sitting on the beach in Rocky Point healthy as can be!


Wow Eddy --- that is classic! Just poetic. I suppose the irony was completely lost on them, right? Swine flu epidemic - just insane.
The truth is that my family is in more danger of random violence if we go into downtown Phoenix to see a Diamondbacks game than when we drive into sleepy little Penasco. It is absolutely true, not an exaggeration, but people are oblivious to their robot chicken behavior - it's a big fat canard - something that becomes "true" in people's minds simply by virtue of the number of times it is repeated. It makes me crazy angry.


The last time they did this we were re-imbursed but I know how you all feel. It's not a money thing, it's a let's learn a lesson thing. When I saw the signs I knew this was going to happen AGAIN!!
Yeah....the first time I took my new truck down, (3 yrs. ago), they were chip sealing up towards Gila ahole passed me, and cut in real a nice little "star" in my brand spankin new truck's windshield.....fortunately didn't propogate....

When I saw the chip sealing at the border this past weekend, I resolved not to let anyone pass matter how fast they were going. Luckily, there was almost no traffic coming back on Monday late after lane open, NO cars in front of me!
It didn't matter which way the cars were going-passed us or around us-we got nailed both ways. They are supposed to be done with it today, but we all know that the gravel is still going to be loose for some time. I hope it is going to be a busy weekend for RP's sake, but I hate the thought of more good people losing their windsheilds.


Windshields are cheap, 'free' with most insurance. I'm more worried about anyone on a motorcycle.


Up and back from Phoenix yesterday, not many loose stones, no new work in progress so the weekenders should be OK.


Thanks for the update Roberto! I've been concerned about my return trip next week!

Up and back from Phoenix yesterday, not many loose stones, no new work in progress so the weekenders should be OK.


I have been following this blog and want to comment about my experience. I think I may have been in the same group of traffic as was rob4092xx. I couldnot believe the street workers got in there trucks when it started raining it wasnt raining very hard. I had the same damage on my trcuk and felt like crying when I got to the border. It was mostly cars coming north from the border that were speeding and shooting rocks up on my truck. I have four stars in my windshield and was scared it was going to break in. Thank god for insurance. The workers should be ashmed of themselevs.

Thanks for the update Roberto! I've been concerned about my return trip next week!


I forgot to add that my friend was behind us and had so many rocks in his brakes that he had to stop and take his rear wheels off and take the pads off to wedge the rocks out. They were making his brakes squeel. It wasnt much fun sitting at the border watching him take his brakes apart. He had one star in his windshield but his truck is lifted and really high off the ground. Not much else we could do, didnt want to take a chance in Mexico with bad brakes.


I was down over Memorial Day weekend the same time as all of you.

I went through the road work on Wednesday night which I think was May 20th. It was after it rained and everyone was still driving through the construction like nothing was going on. Some of the washes had running water in them that spread the rocks everywhere. Don't people understand the damage chipseal can do to your car when you drive fast over it? I stopped at Lukeville and filled up the tank. There were 3 or 4 cars there with people cleaning rocks off their cars. It was a real mess. I agree someone should be held accountable for what happened cause I'm sure a bunch of cars got damage. Lucky no one came through on a motorcycle or they would have been peppered with rocks flying around like machine gun fire.