Is it safe to visit Rocky Point?


We'd like to come and visit for a next next Thursday (9/27/12). Is it safe, of course we'd be traveling during the day and we are two women traveling alone. Pls advise. [email protected]

Thank you
I'm here 24/7. Have not even been to the border let alone across in several years. Yes, it is safe. There are no big issues. You will see a lot of patroling and Military inspections stops, just like on the US Side. Just use common sense and the usual precautions when traveling. GV Jack is here so be careful at the red lights in town.
Have a great time.


We travel down to PP frequently and have no issues crossing the border, driving through Mexico or while we're in PP. Use common sense and you'll have a great time. btw we travel with 2 young children and I would feel comfortable as a female traveling there by myself with them.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
I've been traveling to Rocky Point for 47 years. Sometimes alone, sometimes I bring my 85 year old mother and my boyfriend. I wouldn't bring my loved ones if it were dangerous. I am not afraid. I just don't drive at night any more. And that's more because of cows and slow moving vehicles with no lights....You will have a great time. Please read the forum for good restaurants and stuff to do! Welcome aboard!

El Gato

Our Granddaughters think nothing of driving down by themselves. They try to drive in daytime as they don't want to worry about hitting something, like a cow or coyote. Even with the flooding problems in Sonoyta they were very careful to get the cars across safely, at times shutting the road down rather then risk people's lives. The Green Angels also patrol the road down from Sonoyta - they are wonderful. We are here full time and feel safer here then a lot of places in the States. I am notorious within the family for getting lost, even with the simplest directions, and I never worry about stopping and asking for directions - everyone has always been willing to help. I finally did find La Cita after touring most of Penasco (and I live here!). As everyone says, including the State Department, use common sense wherever you are.

We obviously love Penasco and think you will have a wonderful time.
I am so scared of going to Rocky Pt. I can't take it anymore.

I will be down tomorrow afternoon. I will be jetskiing Friday and Sat. Finally.
I am so scared!! LOL:cluck:Really it is fine to go there, it is a great place to be.
I am among those who have been going for decades with family and friends. I visit almost twice a month. No problems. Only fun. Oh . . . except one time some years back when a gringo yahoo backed into me in a parking lot. Have fun on your trip. (My next trip is planned for that day as well -- can't wait.)

El Gato

This morning we were driving around town as we needed to get some paperwork done. Everyone was helpful and we had fun. Went to the bank to make a deposit - again staff was helpful and smiling. Ran into friends at the bank and stopped to talk. Do be warned - if you come here you will end up meeting friends, whether new or old. You will notice that cars stop in the middle of the street so that people can say hello to each other. You will also discover people smiling at you a lot and offering help.

After that we headed to Candy Cakes by the baseball field for their wonderful fresh donuts. Happened again - the young man was extremely nice and we ended up practicing our poor Spanish. Now, while we had been at the bank our very dusty car had gotten a wash job - but by the time we got home it was just as dusty - a way of life.

And during the baseball season you can get hooked on the games. A great team, box seats that cost about $4, people moving around a lot to talk to friends (new and old). It is almost impossible not to have people smiling at you and talking with you. No one seems to find the language barrier a problem.

So these were some of the dangers we faced this morning. Oh, I forgot to mention having tea and melt in your mouth donuts while watching the beauty of the Sea of Cortez, birds swooping and people enjoying themselves on the beach.


Banned for Douchebaggery!
Short answer: Yes, it is safe. Drive during the day and stay at tourist places, you won't have a problem.

while we had been at the bank our very dusty car had gotten a wash job - but by the time we got home it was just as dusty
You are you saying some bum kids washed your new car with bucket and wet towel right there in the parking lot? Is so I would advise you not to do that, washing car that way damages paint, the hard dust of rocky point and wet towel makes a sand paper to your shinny paint. I always refuse those guys to touch my car, do something else for living and quit ruining tourists paint jobs.