Launching in the harbor

Haven't launched my jetskis in the harbor for a couple of months. Had them down this past weekend. When we went to launch them in the harbor (where the fishermen do), was told we had to pay $5 PER SKI to be able to launch and park. When did this start...and what's the story? The guy collecting the money said some "cooperative" had the rights to the parking lot (and the launch area). Isn't the launch area in the "federal zone"?

I'm having one of my buddies who lives in RP check with the port captain, but thought I'd check with the regulars who may launch there.


BTW....there were only 3-4 vehicles with trailers parked there....which is rare. Usually I'm scrambling looking for a spot to park!


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
That's one of the reasons I stopped using the public harbor. Everybody has their hand out. I haven't launched there in over a year now, since the new hotel construction was seriously underway. It just got too tight in there for my boat and trailer, expecially on busy weekends. Whether the cooperativa has rights or not? Who knows. But you are best off paying the $5. Otherwise, you may find things missing or damaged upon your return. Typically, I used to pay the launcher $30, the guy to watch my truck $5, and other miscellaneous $5 'tips', like that guy hooking up my trailer and such.

So, I'm now among the Safe Marine crowd for launching. I don't know how much it is to launch your jetskis from there, but I typically pay $50 for launch, recovery, parking, motor flush, and washdown. Not cheap, but no hassles, and a good operation with reliable people.

If the new marina is ever built in my lifetime, I don't expect it to be any cheaper. For now, the public harbor and Safe Marine are about the only two options. I have seen folks launch jetskis over at Playa Del Oro, but that ramp is very tide dependent.


I have always launched at Cholla Bay. Depending on where you keep your boat, it may not be worth the drive. $20 launch and recovery for my size boat (21') and have never had to pay anyone to take care of my boat while I was out. Villa is the best launcher there and he will take very good care of you and your stuff.
Yeah...I always paid "tips" to a couple of regulars at the harbor...who helped with the launch (very little required with jetskis), and "watched" my truck. The guy collecting the fees charged me $10 (for 2 jetskis)....I think I'll be driving out to Cholla instead! Burn a bit more diesel.....but not $10 worth! I ride out that way anyway once I launch in the harbor.

Playa d'Oro charges (don't recall how much if you're not staying there)....but the retrieve can be brutal with jetskis when the wind picks up. Only did that once....and had a bunch of people helping...this was several years ago when we had an endurance race off Playa d'Oro.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
rockyptjoe said:
but the retrieve can be brutal with jetskis when the wind picks up.
You should try launching/recovering at San Felipe sometime. Aye, aye, aye! Damn near rolled my old boat on the beach trying to get it on the trailer over there. Open water, no protection at all from the afternoon winds.

I know Cholla is great to launch from, with one exception: I don't want my whole trailer submerged in saltwater. Ric knows what I mean, right Ric? Because I trailer back and forth to Phoenix most of the time, I don't like my brand new coupler and tongue taking a saltwater bath. Let alone the lights, wiring and everything else. At least at Safe Marine, they only have to put the back 1/2 of my trailer in the water for me to power off and it gets washed down with fresh water when they pull me out. If keeping the trailer roadworthy wasn't a concern, I'd probably try to store my boat somewhere in Cholla Bay.