Lobos 4/8 to 4/12


Headed down to Lobos Wed afternoon. Stopped at La Palapa in YGriega for awesome tacos. Got to Lobos about 7:30 only to find out the launcher was inoperable. Arturo had spent several days replacing the transmission and he needed to go to Caborca Thurs am to get new parts for the drive shaft. It was a bummer sitting on the shore admiring the great weather when we couldn't go out fishing.

Launcher was back up and running late Thurs afternoon so it was game on for Friday.

On the water Friday by 7:00. Great day. Caught lots of fish. Biggest was an 18 pound sardinero. Bigger YT seemed to have lock jaw. Biggest YT were 13 and 16 lbs. We had a Mola Mola jump out of the water about 10 yards from the boat in the morning and then another swam about 5 feet under the boat in the afternoon (probably was the same one). It was huge.

On the water Saturday by 7:30. It was rocking. Did not catch as many fish. Stuck it out and caught a 18 lb YT at 4:00 but should have headed in earlier. Weather picked up even more just when we were heading in at 4:30. It was a little hairy trying to get the boat on the trailer with the wind and the waves. Third time was a charm and pleasantly avoid beaching the boat or colliding with the trailer. Sierra mackerel fish burritos were awesome Sat night for dinner. The stormy sunset on Saturday evening was incredible.

All in all we caught YT, bonita, sardinero, rock bass, pinto bass, barracuda, trigger, snapper and sierra mackerel.

Got home yesterday. It rained on us driving home from Santa Ana to Nogales.

FYI - can't get pictures to upload for some reason.