Medicinal Marijuana

The guns and ammo were sent down by our govt. in operation Fast and Furious. This whole checkpoint leaving the country is nothing but a political diversion. If I was the president of Mexico I would be p*ssed that a foreign country would arm paramilitary gangs in my country.


If you were the pesident of mexico there would be nothing you could do because we got the bombs baby, you have crappy old G3 Rifles lol
Oh Oh the Fox crowd is about to start regurgitating Rush talking points..... Legalize it boys and it all goes away!
The MSNBC crowd is equally guilty. While Obama inhaled, he has also encouraged the fed to go after states rights including cracking down on dispensaries.

Only the libertarians are on the right side of this argument.


George Jung, made famouse by the movie "Blow" said during an interview that the only way to stop the drug trade was to make it all legal or impose the death penalty. Just read about some people in Malaysia who were sentenced to be hung for methanphetimine posession and distribution. Would make me think twice. Would the penalty be worth it?
It's probably more economical to legalize marijuana when you balance the cost of the incarceration and endless appeals of death row inmates considering the number of people in jails for marijuana offenses as opposed to other drugs. As for the "harder" drugs, have at it. Just curious-is Malaysia a sharia law country?


NO doubt in my mind that many, many millions would be saved with legalization of most of the recreational drugs. There is a lot of lobbying that goes on to protect the income of the private jails and prisons as well as all the income that goes to law enforcement. Lobbying for a common sense approach to this problem is absent. Elected officials will always follow the money, on average anyway.

Recreationl drug use pervades all levels of society and government but it looks bad to lobby for "Reefer Madness"!!

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
CuriousGeorge, you're an absolute f-ing idiot!! Why in the hell would you ask such a stupid f#%$ing question on a public forum?! You're shitten me right?! First of all, no your stupid marijuana card isn't legit in Mexico, they dont give a f#$%. Two, read the article about the Mexican law decriminalizing small amounts of drugs for personal use. The arresting officer isnt the one that makes that decision, a judge is. This law is out of DE EFFE (DF) (Mexico City), try telling a cop in the FRONTERA of Sonora Mexico that the weed in your pocket is legal!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL You are going to be arrested regardless and ONLY a judge can determine if the amount is for personal use and therefor legal. Once again GOOD LUCK in the FRONTERA of MEXICO. This was the most ridiculous question to ask on public forum, come'on man!


Like someone said earlier, if you need weed.....just hit up Calle Trece lol. Or ask any cab driver.

The scariest time of my life was in a Rocky Point cab when some guy in our group asked for cocaine (I wasn't friends with him...just the guy happened to come down on a golf trip). Cab driver drives us to an empty warehouse in the middle of nowhere Rocky Point and some guy comes out of it. I thought I was going to DIE. lol.

Needless to say I will never allow that guy back to play golf again with us. The dude is not welcome.


A medical marijuana card is not legal (federally) any place. If you need the dope so bad sit at home and smoke it. Mexico Joe says it best. Dope


MAN that sucks that the mexican border is that strick because we need some actuall mary jane down here.,, honestly the weed they have here is just trash barely any THC bunch of seeds and stems it just SUCKS... If any one living here in rocky point that has some good medicinal marijuana please send me a message or friend request on facebook, I know its more expensive but its DEFINATELY WORTH IT, its been A VERY LONG TIME since I have had the chance to smoke good weed so if any one out there is able to get some please let me know, I live here in Rocky Point Mexico, I sound all desperate but shit, just Imagine you guys having to go without smoking good BUD, dont wish that for any one. And about that comment telling tourist or americans that live here to just go to Calle 13, believe me, thats not the place to get weed it even worst there. Hope one of my fellow American people that live here or come visit will be willing to message me. My name on FB is Andres Amaya once again I live here in Rocky Point Mexico. Thanks.