Merchants Not Displaying Prices

You consumer folks out there may have noticed over the years a high proclivity of Penasco merchants to display items on shelves, whether in plumbing, hardware, grocery or clothing outlets, and not display a price. THIS CURSE IS GETTING WORSE!

2 days ago the pet food section manager at Walmart could only shrug his shoulders at my question why 1/3 of the dog food items has no price. I checked a few other departments and the omission of prices has infected the entire store.

So I took my business to Leys. Guess what? Same virus has hit them! It took 15 minutes for a kid runner scooting to a cashier to check the prices on 5 kinds of boxed skim milk!

Yesterday the fruit stand/farmer's market on Sinaloa, which we all know and love, told me he has many missing prices "because prices change often".

Without commenting directly (and negatively) on the work ethic of these merchants, I suggest they could do better if they were informed people who buy their product want to see prices so they can do what people call "comparitive shop, choose and buy". I have discussed this with a few Mexican locals, and they explain it's not a common concept for anyone born and raised in small towns, where there are only one or two sale outlets for any particular product, to post prices.

I suggest these folks can learn quickly the common sense of running a business if shoppers let them know the dirth of posted prices is not acceptable. I won't buy an item if I have to ask it's price.


Interesting post. I agree about not buying items that aren't priced - unless I absolutely need it and have nowhere else to go. I'm sure the prices at Walmart and Ley's were both fair, whatever they were. The price volatility answer makes some sense with all the food inflation we've seen this year. It's always interesting to see the products that are much cheaper or more expensive than they are in the US.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
This is just a part of the shitty mexican business model that they all follow! An American should bring down a copy of an economics text book and start educating these people on how to not shoot themselves in the foot! The worst economy ever and they are still trying to sell fake purses and watches for hundreds of $'s....


Seriously folks, everything in Mexico is not for sale to gringoes only but the Mexican public is not so impatient that they cannot wait for a price. Many go to the register first and they don't buy the item if the price is too high.
As for teaching them economics, most Mexicans own their own houses and spend years building to their satisfaction rather than pay exorbitant interest. Simply, they don't overspend what they don't have.
This reminds me of buying a used car here, if they don,t advertise how much they want for the vehicle, I move on. Show a little kindness, remember, we are visitors to their country.


as often as I go to either Ley or Aurrera I have probably seen a couple of items with out price tags not any more or less than in Fry's or Walmart in US, do not really see the point of your misinformed thread.


This happens to me at the beer store. Some native comes in an pays $.50 for a quart of beer. I pay $3.00 for the same quart only minutes later.
This happens to me at the beer store. Some native comes in an pays $.50 for a quart of beer. I pay $3.00 for the same quart only minutes later.
next time hire a local to go in and buy your beer for you...have him/her get 2 for him, one for'll still be ahead $1.50...:moon: