New BOA Fees?


I used my B of A debit card at Santander three weeks ago and was charged a 3% Fee. Anyone know of any banks in the US that don't do that?
Read the thread I reffered to over on the Bajanomad Forum. They are recommending Charles Schwab. You will have to open a brokerage account with them (No cost) And then open their High Yield Investor Account. (No cost). This will return you to getting your peso's for free again - PLUS - you won't be limited to just Santander.


We exchanged cash for peso's this past weekend for $ 12.55 to 1. Just take cash and avoid the fees and some of restaurants won't take a card anyway. Cash only!!
We are talking about DEBIT CARDS. For people who stay in RP for the whole winter bringing that much cash is not really a viable option.
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I use a mexican bank and use's mexico afterall
Russ, we ARE talking about using pesos and we ARE talking about using a Mexican bank to get those pesos.. PAY ATTENTION!!! Not everybody has moved here and not everybody wants to open a bank account in Mexico for limited part time use when there are still FEE FREE options using US banks as your funding source available.