On the American Side


It appears that the authorities can search us within 100 miles of the US border (where 2/3 of Americans live). The ACLU calls this "The Constitution Free Zone". See http://www.aclu.org/privacy/37293res20081022.html . Also this video is interesting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPOuj-WzAoA . So it may be wise to carry those passports with you when you're out and about in your neighborhoods. I live in Seattle and I'm in The Zone...

Several years ago I was a CPA for several Jewish Holocaust survivors that were receiving monthly war reparations from the German government. As I recall all of them were card carrying members of the ACLU because, I imagine, they had "been there; done that" so to speak.

That said, I doubt we have to worry about our wine.


At 4:00 pm on Friday the check point was there but nobody was maning it. On Sunday at 3:45 pm they were checking cars.

Bob Oso

I would think the city's loss of reveune and property taxes has more to do with it than hasseling people. Gotta recoup that money somehow.


After waiting for a bit because of the Customs stop going IN to Mexico, I asked the guy why they care about stuff going in , he smiled and said" just doing my job". I suggested that it might have something to do with impeding flow to Mexico to keep tourist $ in the US. He just smiled and shrugged his shoulders.


They figure if they can keep the cash and guns out that they might make a dent in the drug traffic
I agree Dan, but who knows what effect it actually has? I look at it like we're at least trying to do something on our end. If you think about it, it shows respect to Mexico if nothing else.
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It appears that the authorities can search us within 100 miles of the US border (where 2/3 of Americans live). The ACLU calls this "The Constitution Free Zone". See http://www.aclu.org/privacy/37293res20081022.html . Also this video is interesting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPOuj-WzAoA . So it may be wise to carry those passports with you when you're out and about in your neighborhoods. I live in Seattle and I'm in The Zone...

Several years ago I was a CPA for several Jewish Holocaust survivors that were receiving monthly war reparations from the German government. As I recall all of them were card carrying members of the ACLU because, I imagine, they had "been there; done that" so to speak.

That said, I doubt we have to worry about our wine.
Wow, gail, thanks for that link. I really had no idea!