On top of Pinacate at sunset

Kartel drone base up there. Did you see any mini aviation activity? They keep an eye on the Sea Shepherd boats from up there and the big drones from Fort Huachuca that monitor the druggie pangas and "shrimp" trawlers. Last I heard from Huachuca people the Kartel can take out the multi-million dollar US Army drones easily by doing a Kamakazi aerial ram job on them.

We did not notice anything unusual except that the radio towers were falling down from non-maintenance. It is further to the ocean than we thought and only when the sun reflected on the water were we able to see where land stopped and water began. One more bizarre thing to me: we could not see the Sonoita-Penasco highway from the top. The distance is only about 12-15 miles. This may be more of an example of the performance my old eyes………


Kartel drone base up there. Did you see any mini aviation activity? They keep an eye on the Sea Shepherd boats from up there and the big drones from Fort Huachuca that monitor the druggie pangas and "shrimp" trawlers. Last I heard from Huachuca people the Kartel can take out the multi-million dollar US Army drones easily by doing a Kamakazi aerial ram job on them.

The Fort H drones fly too high but things do change.I imagine we are loading the Ukranians up with stuff like this. 30% of Russian army are conscripts…..easy pickings taking Ukrane but sholder laughed stuff,these and roadside bombs make occupation a bitch https://www.nbcnews.com/news/military/kamikaze-drones-new-weapon-brings-power-peril-u-s-military-n1285415
The Fort H drones fly too high but things do change.I imagine we are loading the Ukranians up with stuff like this. 30% of Russian army are conscripts…..easy pickings taking Ukrane but sholder laughed stuff,these and roadside bombs make occupation a bitch https://www.nbcnews.com/news/military/kamikaze-drones-new-weapon-brings-power-peril-u-s-military-n1285415
The future drone wars will be scary. Putin needs to be stopped. Maybe we should kamikaze drone his ass out of existince.