Over Fishing


Most of you guys have probably seen this, but thought I'd post here as well since it is floating around. I love to eat fresh fish, but personally take only what I need and let the rest live to see another day. Something to think about before loading your deck full of grouper and/or many of the bottom fish around RP that tend to take much longer to mature than pelagics.



This is a direct quote of my comment on the video from the San Carlos Forum.
"I've been whining about the declining fisheries for the last ten years, but it never seemed like anyone was really listening. I'm glad I got to see some of "the good ol' days", hunting and fishing both..."
The shame is that mexican poverty forces them to do anything they can to make a dollar. Their concern is today and only today. Until that nation moves forward to a reasonable and stable economy this will continue. This is not only in the Sea of Cortez but in all fisheries that are driven by poverty and greed. The long liners of the world are a major force in putting all oceans in a non sustainable position.

They catch all and keep all

Do Worry and Don't be happy about this


I went fishing with a Mexican friend once to get enough fish for a big family fiesta. We filled a 60 gal. tub 2/3 full of fish. He was even keeping cabrilla that were a pound or less. When he wasn't looking, I'd flip the little ones that were sill alive back in the ocean. He acted kind of puzzled when we were filleting them. :? He said he thought we caught more fish than that. I just shrugged my shoulders, handed him a beer, and kept on cutting. A good time was had by all, and the music boomed until 4:00 AM. :lol: