Police are extortionist


The motivation police have to stop people like that is MONEY. Not paying them at the curb will curb their motivation to stop people randomly. :) Require them to go to court and waste their time.

Also I have had the same description of the traffic light change. It actually makes some sense. Solid Green- GO ( but watch for GV Jack coming the other way ), Blinking Green - you can enter the intersection with caution (or speed up), Blinking Yellow, time to get out of the intersection but not to enter it, RED - stop. I right turn on red all the time and have had no problem.
So where do I get this or is this a joke ? I have to assume # 2 is
1. Try the Tourism form,
2. Pull out the photo of the "No Robar Turistas" posted earlier.
What are the working hours of the court? We usually come in on Friday afternoon and leave on Sunday. I doubt they are open during those hours.


From the article;

Motorists will see no change, and if lines get too long, officials say they will also wave pedestrians through.

What did Trump do to you again Jerry, put potential crimp in your supply line?


From the article;

Motorists will see no change, and if lines get too long, officials say they will also wave pedestrians through.

What did Trump do to you again Jerry, put potential crimp in your supply line?


Walked across to TJ this afternoon and crossed back over the border about an hour ago. They have 3 lanes now...one for Mexican, one for Gringos and one for anybody staying in Mexico longer than 7 days. I had to fill out a visa form and they scanned my passport card. The visa is good for 7 days, the longer visa is for 180 days and there is a payment of like 22.00 bucks. The process took about 20 minutes and the line was getting longer as I filled out the visa paperwork. Then you walk to another area and press a red button, if you get the green you are good if you get the red well then you go to secondary. I think this is an experiment that they are trying out but don't expect it to stay around that long. Coming back there was literally no one in the SENTRI line so took all of about 30 seconds for me to come back versus the other lines that were at least an hour.


Even on pro-Penasco forum like this one we have posts like this, than imagine what they post at anti-Mexico forum. Fact is cops get paid very low in mexico, rookie gets $500 a month salary, that is nothing. No wonder why they go around and pick who to rip off. Not only tourists but locals also.
My friend who is born and raised in Rocky Point did a small burn out with his car on malecon and cops saw him, asked 1000 pesos on the spot, he did not have it, they took him to jail. I was in PP at the time and I got a call from him from jail, and he ask me to bring $200 to police station. $100 to get him out and $100 to get the car from impound. When he got the car out the stereo was gone.