Pope Francis Visit


Wednesday 17 February 2016
08:35 Departure by plane for Ciudad Juárez
10:00 Arrival at “Abraham González” International Airport in Ciudad Juárez
10:30 Visit to a prison (CeReSo n.3) (Discourse by the Holy Father)
12:00 Meeting with the World of Work at the Colegio de Bachilleres dello Stato of Chihuahua (Discourse by the Holy Father)
16:00 Holy Mass at the fairgrounds of Ciudad Juárez (Homily + greeting by the Holy Father)
19:00 Departure Ceremony at Ciudad Juárez International Airport
19:15 Departure by plane for Rome (Ciampino Airport)
Thursday 18 February 2016. As this Pope unlike the last two actually helps the poor this event is not only historic but might help Mexico fight the evils of monopoly crony capitalism


I love the man. Walking the walk.
He was key...key to the ending of the Columbian 50 year old civil war.The talks ended with a deal and hand shakes in Cuba yesterday between the FARC and the government.He is walking to the Rio Grande today......