Question about private mexican health insurance

It's me again with another medical question...guess you can see what's motivating me
these days...looking at a lot of options since I can't get (afford) American Health Insurance.
Do any of you live full time in mexico, with an FM3?
I understand about IMSS, the national health care system, but I also understand that
residents can buy Private Major Medical in Mexico at a great savings.
Also just learned that the CIMA hospital in Hermosillo is now listed as one of the top 100
hospitals in the world.
Any information about private insurance in Mexico would be appreciated...recommended
company, rates, etc...
Thanks Again,
P.S. Thanks for the replies on my previous posts about prescription medicine and RP Doctors.
Not insurance but about meds. I have found that Canada has the lowest prices on Rx.

When my medicare 2700.00 runs out in about Sept I start buying from
The delivery is slow and some meds come from Canada and others from other parts of the world. I have been doing this for several years and the meds are all good. They require prescriptions from your Dr. be faxed to them and some drugs will run 5 or 6 weeks for delivery. Be sure to buy in larger quantities like 90 or 100. You can call or use the Internet but I would call on your first order. Their phone staff is great. Good luck!


Check out also. I get my blood drugs from them.
markhillis said:
Any information about private insurance in Mexico would be appreciated...recommended
company, rates, etc...
Hi Mark, I'm Rosie Glover. I own ProAlliance Insurance...a full-service Mexican insurance company. If you like you can call my vonage line at 602-773-1031 or email me at [email protected] The cost will depend on age, weight range, health, smoker/non-smoker, the usual stuff. Hope to hear from you!