radiation - positive test


2 salty dawgs
had a new twist in the border crossing today - positive test for Radiation!
Michele had been to the doctors a week ago - stress test - and still had enough material in her body to pick it up while she was in the rv.
questions were asked, we pulled the rv over to the right to the tall yellow
poles and scanners, and then drove the rv thru it.
rv was then hand scanned, and Michele was then asked to step out.
soon as she opened the door, the hand-held detector went crazy.
a few more minutes with alll our passports, we were on way all good.
total time at border was about 30 stress-free minutes, and still home in well under 5 hours.

what a GREAT 4 days, gotta finish unpacking.....


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Step AWAY from the wife!!

Well, now we all know the silly things actually work. I can't imagine she was glowing in the dark or anything, so they must have those instruments dialed into super detection mode to pick up even a faint trace of medical radiation like that.

Either that, or Michelle has been abducted by aliens and replaced with a pod person... any strange behaviors lately? I mean, stranger than normal?


2 salty dawgs
when they asked if any of had any medical treatments lately, Michele answered honestly - she was in the hospital for strees tests the Friday-Sat before. the border guy said he had to search for dirty bombs. we joked about it being just in her shorts :lol:

was just strange enough where it wasn't any panic mode, and we all agreed that we feel pretty good knowing those scanners are really working! still made it home under 5 hours, so like the entire weekend,
life's great!

go New Orleans tonite!