Road to San Carlos

hi--headed to our sailboat that is in Marina Seca in San Carlos on Thursday. Wondering about road conditions if we go the "back way" from Penasco to San Carlos--usually head to Kino, and then over to Hermosillo due to all the ruts in the rest of the back road ...did things get washed out after the hurricane(s)? Thanks for any info
yeah, the road after Libertad is a rough one, and sure doesn't save you any time. Just wanted to assure that the road conditions from Penasco to Libertad are not any worse than usual after all the storms. Thanks for the input
its a rough road past Libertad but its a cool way to go


Was there road construction on that route? We drove that way in May and got a rock thrown from a water truck that damaged our windshield. Heading back to Kino Bay for the holidays but will go through Nogales if they are still working on that road.


Road bad as usual from Penasco to Herradua Mine then great to Libertad...then you are on your own!
the road was it's usual bumpy/potholed self from penasco on--some spots nice and even, and then you would hit a big hole again. Construction between libertad and kino, with large parts of the road completely missing (all on the right/beach side) from erosion after all of the storms. Most of the "new road" construction from last year has completely washed away, with huge hunks of concrete and rebar visible, and you are back to traveling on a dirt track. We had an uneventful trip, but plan to go back the conventional way, through Caborca. Took us 7.5 hours, with one 25 mile stretch taking an hour in itself. Too much hassle to make the beauty and lack of traffic worth it


Are those water trucks still flying around?
no as of 3 weeks ago they finished the road section from Herradura to the overpass 15 miles south...sweet...Nothing North was being worked on and I am thinking if they are really restarting that stupid homeport the big big boulders would come from the mine...road killers!