RP/PP Veterans, Any Excellent Dental Care?


Thanks.. Wish I was coming down to do something fun instead..:(
Dentist ? Is Dr. Ernestro (NOT SURE OF SPELLING) open for business? When we left in May 2015. he was having visual problems.
His Office is on fremont about 2 blks south from the bombaros station.

Dentist ? Is Dr. Ernestro (NOT SURE OF SPELLING) open for business? When we left in May 2015. he was having visual problems.
His Office is on fremont about 2 blks south from the bombaros station.

Not sure, but here's contact info for his office:

Ernesto Grijalva-Ibarra DDS
Cedula Profesional 1440525
Fremont Blvd across from Red Cross
SSA Sonora 731-91
English speaking. (011-52-638) 383-3434 (call Mario for appointment)