Shopping runs to Phoenix or Tuscon


Do any of you hook up with other fellow RPers for doing runs up to Phoenix or Tuscon for shopping trips to ride share. Do you have a certain place you post for ride shares? At the moment, I need to return a couple of items to Lowe's and Home Depot worth $100, but would cost me more in gas than the refund.

Also, if one only has a couple of items they would like to pick up, is there a source I could to find someone who is making a run to ask to pick up for me ( I am a hopeless ginger ale addict)
It is obvious I am a newbie, but trying to find ways to make life easier, and keep the cost in check. I would be willing to take turns being the driver for a multi person trip. Thanks y'al
Good idea. I go up about every 3 weeks and would be happy to pick up small things that don't cause questions at the border at Costco, Home Depot, Staples, WalMart, or Fry's which is my usual route! It would be nice to start a "wish list" forum or something.


I have someone I use for a lot of my hard to find items and she has been very reliable. PM me and I would be happy to exchange contact info and see if we can all work together.


Would think twice about carrying a package given to me by stranger X on one side of the border to deliver to stranger Y on the other side....might end up in Z jail.


I think that would be a great idea, doing a wish list. It would need some coordination to identify those making the run, who would be making the pick up request, contact info, and deal with the financial end. I would not even mind hooking up with a couple of folks to split gas costs to make the run to Costco, Home Depot, Staples, WalMart, or Fry's, which really would be the sites I would likely frequent. I would even be willing to coordinate gathering and keeping list of folks going up, dates available and one for those looking for items and contact info. Also, a few rules of what would be acceptable, how purchase costs will be handled, etc. PM me if interested.


Jerry, really, ginger ale in the original case?
Canada Dry Ginger Ale Soda Pop Hidden Dummy Fake Can Safe Hide Cash Jewelry | eBay. On to your little plot Brenda!...but seriously the following is a true tale and much like Joes "4am Hunter Thompsonish hooker romp"story was not quite just like sheep3moms "car boosted in the middle of the day" crime,they are different but a similar lesson can be drawn from both.
20 years ago my awesome older brother Willard gets invited to go fishing by a fellow worker on Davis Dam .They hitch the guys boat up to bros then brand new Suburban at 4 am after a night of "trip planning"at the bar. As they approach the border my brother notices his coworker is sweating like a pig; but they cross fine and head for San Carlos or Kino ( forget which). The duo arrive to find 3 new black Suburbans waiting for them.My brother stands there watching the local narcos men unload thousands of rounds of ammo from a hiding place in the boat and watches them toss 500 bucks to the idiot that suckered my brother into risking everything for 500 stinking bucks. Getting madder by the moment Bro waits for the men with guns to leave and with a turd eating smile on his face the guy tries to give my "hard-as-jail house bars",ex navy brother 50 bucks! The beating lasted around 5 minutes,then a break for a beer and then another beating just to make the point.He left him unconscious by the sea laying under his boat.
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I could prolly put someone in touch with someone who would pay like that to bring down a sealed package from time to time. They don't count it, but they do weigh it !!


I could prolly put someone in touch with someone who would pay like that to bring down a sealed package from time to time. They don't count it, but they do weigh it !!
. A hitch hiker told me a thousand dollars in twenties weighs 28 grams