Sting Ray Bites


Poor Hubby got stung over Memorial Weekend on Sandy Beach. :( They were out in force.. The Medics just waited at the wall for the next person to bite the dust.. He had to soak it in HOT water for about 2 hours to take the pain away. They were giving Novocain shots to most..
Poor Hubby got stung over Memorial Weekend on Sandy Beach. :( They were out in force.. The Medics just waited at the wall for the next person to bite the dust.. He had to soak it in HOT water for about 2 hours to take the pain away. They were giving Novocain shots to most..
There were several stings at Encanto as well.


Lovin it in RP!
I heard of over 50 sting ray hits on Sandy Beach over the weekend, they are out in force and we need to do the sting ray shuffle when in the shallows
Poor Hubby got stung over Memorial Weekend on Sandy Beach. :( They were out in force.. The Medics just waited at the wall for the next person to bite the dust.. He had to soak it in HOT water for about 2 hours to take the pain away. They were giving Novocain shots to most..
Sorry to hear. We have successfully treated victims over the years with the hot water soak and a tall shot of tequila. :cool:
Here is our instruction manual for such mishaps:

The Hot Water Soak:
  • Bring a quantity of water to a near boil
  • Place the victim’s foot in a pan/bucket.
  • Introduce enough cold-warm water to cover the foot
  • Allow the victim to pour hot water into the pan/bucket containing the affected foot, bringing the pan water to as hot as they can stand
    (the effectiveness of this technique is that the heat breaks down / destroys proteins in the toxin, thus neutralizing the pain – the hotter, the better)
  • Repeat, repeat, repeat - pouring hot water to keep the water as hot as tolerable to the victim
  • Administer shots of tequila to the victim to relieve body stress, to be taken by mouth, as needed
  • Continue until the pain subsides to a tolerable or negligible level (usually 1-2 hours) -- Victim will usually be walking with little to no foot pain within three (3) to four (4) hours.
  • Issue aspirin as required, to relieve tequila effects :)
An alternative treatment, for larger wounds, according to our neighbor who was a victim:
  • Drive to Red Cross
  • Point to foot (they will know what that means)
  • Red Cross will give a shot of Novocain (or substitute), which will relieve the pain until the toxin wears itself out and is no longer effective
  • Reach into your wallet and give them all the money you have – because by that time, the pain relief is well worth it to you.
Reinitiate water activities, using the sting-ray shuffle, this time… You can also look for six to ten inch circles in the sand, which usually indicate the outline of where a stingray has buried itself – it’s eyes are still above the sand
Somebody shoulda told all of this to Steevo!

Many moons ago I had one get me in the palm of my hand whilst unhooking it. The stinger broke off in my hand and I couldn't get it out due to the serrations on the barb. Had to get at doctor to cut it out.

I must say that was a truly stimulating experience! The mucus coating on the barb retards healing and I had a drippy hole in my hand for months.

And by the way, those round stingrays are delicious, especially breaded and deep fried.

You can always find them with the fish mongers on the Malecon. Just look for the stuff labeled "Scallop" or "Escalopa". They get a primo price for them as well!!

They punch out plugs of that tasty boneless white meat with a shotgun shell or cookie cutter, trim off the skin then "skin" the Gringos Estupidos.

Same time of year (two years ago) One of our crew was trying to do a little shore fishing and got hit right in the ankle.
Took him to the resort lobby, they had the red cross there in 5 min. Gave him a shot directly into the sting with Lidocaine.
Good as new next day.


I've always stomped my feet as well but in the same location that I brought them up from of course. In other words, I do both! I'd much rather scare them off with a big vibration than spook them off by just shuffling my feet or contact. Nope, never been hit.


We take the kayak out to look for them when it's about the right time in the late spring for them to do their reproductive thing. Sometimes they are everywhere and we just stay out of the water until things get back to normal. It's just not worth it...
My wife got stung last year. It was horribly painful. I definitely recommend an immediate trip to the clinic. We were doing the hot water thing, which is way better than nothing but she was still in intense pain. We finally convinced her to go to the Red Cross and they fixed her right up. They gave a shot to numb and she had immediate relief.

My understanding is you should also rinse with an antibiotic rinse of some kind. There are lots of reports on the interwebz of nasty infections from stingray stings.
OK old local cure take a raw onion cut in half put on grill sear and while hot put on sting ray bite they say it works

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Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Surprised nobody has recommended going to any one of one hundred FARMACIAS and getting some of the good stuff... Sure, you'll pay $10 or 15 but after 3 or 4 Vicoten/Percs you'll be as good as new....