Tesla Home Battery


If you had 10 grand would you buy stocks in Tesla or are they going to get smothered by the big boy's?
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SRP already pissing off solar customers in AZ with talk of a $50 a month surcharge to offset revenue losses. Such BS, first they get customers to sink thousands in solar equipment only to say they now are losing to much money with those same customers.


SRP already pissing off solar customers in AZ with talk of a $50 a month surcharge to offset revenue losses. Such BS, first they get customers to sink thousands in solar equipment only to say they now are losing to much money with those same customers.
No shit man...TEP deals need to be signed by June 1 or you are under similar rules...plus the badtards are limiting residential users to under 10 k systems
srp pays 4 cents per kilowatt and charges 22 cents in summer. Yeah they aren't losing much from me ,I can tell you that. at least last I looked