Tiny brown bugs, like gnats


We were just at Rocky Point this past weekend. The second day we were there, we were inundated with small flying brown bugs that looked like gnats. They did not bite, but were really a nuisance. The first day, we did not encounter them. Are these bugs seasonal or appear at a certain time of day. We fought with them all night and day on this particular day. Just curious what they were and how to avoid them next time.


They were bad last Saturday on Sandy Beach. But it seemed like after I got in the water they stopped landing on me for the rest of the day. I had never seen them before.


Cortez Cruiser
Bobos, maybe? VERY common further south in the Sea. Small, gnat-like, non-biting but very annoying! They always seemed to disappear when the weather cooled down.
Warmer weather with humidity usually does bring out nasty things, We have never seen those gnat things and we go every October, We were wondering the same thing about some flying insects that we encountered two years ago in June. The best description was they were half fly, half mosquito , (We named them Flasquitos) that was in Las Conchas , the same day we talked to someone that had been on Sandy Beach and said there were none there. They were only there for a day but all day and would bite but didn't leave an itch or welt (Thank Goodness!) I am scared to hear about bugs in October since that is when our wedding is next year, we purposely picked that month since its starting to cool off but still warm enough to enjoy the ocean. No one can not control nature , I'm hoping both of these things are rare occurrences as it seems each of these things were there for one day only.