Tucson Airport Interested


Maybe you should float this idea amongst your storage an rv people. While you are doing that I think we will continue with our plan. All water coming into the marina floats all boats equally. As long as we are all doing it for the right reason then the results will be the same or better.
Well I don't have any storage and RV people and it was just an idle thought. Easy peasy and extremely inexpensive to impliment especially if a discount package from lots of businesses was included in the offer. You could offer a tour of the Pinacate at 50% off for example. 2 for one drinks and meals, etc. Make the trip worthwhile. The cruise and airline stuff will have an impact, eventually but both are costly and time consuming to develop but I'm glad you have the plan. The RV folk idea seemed appealing because they could be an almost immediate stimulus with continuing effects. Not as high class but they are the one's that built tourism here in the first place and are already familiar with Penasco and probablay the easiest to motivate to come on down.


My reference was to the promotional ideas not the people involved. A lot sexier to talk about cruise boats and international air flights than RV's!!