Tucson to Sasabe to breakfast in Cabora in 2 hours or less



So I took El Camino Del Muerte ...I.E. the dirt road shortcut from El Sasabe mexico to Altar.
  • it took 1.25 hours on the dirt part
  • 50mph to 40mph on the good dirt
  • the Monsoon could block you in a few places this summer
  • all the burnt out vans are gone but future democrats still trying for a piece of that bullshit American dream
  • no cops or military..a couple guys hiding car tracks with a branch 10 miles South of the border
  • survey guys figuring out the natural gas pipeline that will take "our gas la natural' to the highest bidder South of the border.All this republican drill baby drill bullshit just means the oil companies sell our gas to foriegners..screw the oil companies.
  • it took 10 gallons of gas to get from central Tucson to Y-Greiga
  • the dirt road is 60 miles long
  • The toll is 35 Pesos...no dollars
  • stop and get a breakfast in Caborca or stop at La Cinta for a Agua Chile on the way up the coast
  • the American border guards are sort of hardasses but fair...


Jerry, how long is it from Caborca to RP? I was under the impression that it takes about 1.5 hours, however yesterday I was told that it is closer to 2.5 hours.


Jerry, how long is it from Caborca to RP? I was under the impression that it takes about 1.5 hours, however yesterday I was told that it is closer to 2.5 hours.
well i got to Caborca from Santo Tomas in an hour so figure 45 minutes to the highway then it's 60 miles tops to RP...


so, about 2 hours from RP to Caborca, that is not that bad for a weekend tour trip of Caborca and its surrondings, and then stop at the mexican parrillada restaurant, YUMMY!!


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Jerry - is it even possible for you to make a post without injecting politics into it? Me thinks not.


Tom the Surfcaster
Eat at Carrito (I think that is the name) with the big wagon wheels outside. Best Carne dinner in North America. No menu, they just count heads and bring sizzling meat! Caborca is an old friend of mine, but man it has grown!


I have heard the same thing about the Carne Asada there. There was a group from Miramar who took a trip to Caborca several years ago, and they all ate at the wagon wheel. They all raved about how good it was- the size of the steak, everything.

By the way Jerry, you must have been booking it to get to Caborca in 2 hours. It takes us 40 minutes to get to 3 Points, another 45 to Sasabe, and then there's the road from hell that you have to pay to get the pleasure of ruining your cars shocks.
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It took from 8:30 to 10:30 from caborca ...and i was back in South Central Tucson (Barrio Brewery) before noon

I have heard the same thing about the Carne Asada there. There was a group from Miramar who took a trip to Caborca several years ago, and they all ate at the wagon wheel. They all raved about how good it was- the size of the steak, everything.

By the way Jerry, you must have been booking it to get to Caborca in 2 hours. It takes us 40 minutes to get to 3 Points, another 45 to Sasabe, and then there's the road from hell that you have to pay to get the pleasure of ruining your cars shocks.