TV Reception

Does anyone know where I can sign up to get US TV reception in Rocky point?
I no longer have direct TV from the states.

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what you had is basically the only way unless you want to get mexican satellite tv which comes with a couple of channels in english, or get a VPN and then you can get all the TV you want in any language, netflix, pandora, etc, etc, etc


Find a buddy with a Direct TV account. Ask him to get an extra receiver for $10 a month. Buy a dish off of Craigslist and set it up - hook it up. $10 a month and you get what he gets.


Find a buddy with a Direct TV account. Ask him to get an extra receiver for $10 a month. Buy a dish off of Craigslist and set it up - hook it up. $10 a month and you get what he gets.
Good idea, and take a risk of spending 3 years in Mexicos prison and a fine up to $250,000.00 US.


El Pirata
I would be interested in renting a directv hd-dvr for 30 bucks L/S, any help out there? I have references.
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Its called theft. You know that warning on rented DVD movies that warns about copying the movies, same thing.
Nothing stolen, nothing copied. It may be unethical, but that would be Phoneguy's decision. I only stated what could be done. The fact is Direct TV receivers are commonly moved from the "address of record." RV guys do it all the time. They head out with the motor-home and the receiver from home to parts unknown for months on end. People with vacation homes do the same, some just for the weekend, some for the summer, north or south of the border. As long as the Direct TV bill is paid, they couldn't care less.


Can I bring my Direct TV receiver to Penasco with me and just watch what has has already been recorded on my DVR? Do I have to have the satellite dish to do that?


There is a guy in AJO, authorized dealer, that will sell you the equipment and deliver it to you in Penasco. Office next to the Pizza joint.


El Pirata
Can I bring my Direct TV receiver to Penasco with me and just watch what has has already been recorded on my DVR? Do I have to have the satellite dish to do that?
Yes you need the dish, Memo installs them on the roof.
Memo (638) 105-0060
Open containers and sat stuff, LOl
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I have an extra satellite dish for DirectTV from when we moved. I could just bring it down and "Memo" could install it on the roof of the condo (as long as the HOA lets me). Then I just bring my DVR with me and hook it up?

dry heat

Pigeon coup coordinator
The HOA won't allow you to install the dish on common property (ie. the roof of the development). You will need a satellite stand and place it on your balcony (make sure to get the ok from the HOA).


El Pirata
I have an extra satellite dish for DirectTV from when we moved. I could just bring it down and "Memo" could install it on the roof of the condo (as long as the HOA lets me). Then I just bring my DVR with me and hook it up?
Yes I don't know about your hoa, I know Memo has set some up at Casa Blanca and M/P place, as you can see they are a no no at Las Palomas except on balcony. He will know the R&R's.


The easiest and least expensive solution is to get a slingbox at You are already paying for cable or satellite TV at your place in the states and this device allows you to watch your current TV service wherever you may be even on your smartphone.

Use this code 4wj3pnfpy and get $30 off a Slingbox 350 or $50 off a Slingbox 500 when you buy from the website.

"Don't miss your favorite TV shows and events when you're away from home. On the road, at work, or on vacation, a Slingbox makes it easy to watch and control your home TV from virtually anywhere, anytime on your laptop, tablet, smartphone or connected device. Get more out of your TV with Slingbox."


The easiest and least expensive solution is to get a slingbox at You are already paying for cable or satellite TV at your place in the states and this device allows you to watch your current TV service wherever you may be even on your smartphone.

Use this code 4wj3pnfpy and get $30 off a Slingbox 350 or $50 off a Slingbox 500 when you buy from the website.

"Don't miss your favorite TV shows and events when you're away from home. On the road, at work, or on vacation, a Slingbox makes it easy to watch and control your home TV from virtually anywhere, anytime on your laptop, tablet, smartphone or connected device. Get more out of your TV with Slingbox."
Costco sells the Slingbox 500 in their stores (not online though). Not sure of the cost.
The Slingbox works pretty good except that the speed of the Internet is a little slow down here. So when you are going to fast forward through the commercials it delayed of a few seconds and takes a couple of seconds to link back up. So I end up watching the commercials. Otherwise it works just like you're on your DVR at home.

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My Hoa at BElla already had a satellite on the roof. So I just brought down my box. I have Direct. They told me to find one for sale and get the serial numbers. I would call them and they would tell, it leased don't buy or yes it is owned, buy it. So they already knew I had another receiver for my vacation home so it was no problem. It solve almost all problem except Pac 12.
Good idea, and take a risk of spending 3 years in Mexicos prison and a fine up to $250,000.00 US.
Again why do you say that all the bars and most homes where I am have Direct TV never heard any law against having direct TV you would think if that were the case the Mex. tec. would not install your direct TV dish.