Update on the Marine Vet Jailed in Mexico


El Pirata
Now that's the dog I've grown to love, dork..LOL Thinking about doing something and actually doing something are two different things. Do you really think that because old Bill said “If Mexico doesn't’t release the corporal by Christmas, I’m going to call for a boycott of Mexico. Nobody goes.” is the reason he was released?:rofl:
Personally I don't give a rats ass about you or what you think!


He was thinking or he wouldn't have went to customs with it. Remember, it's not like they found it stashed under a seat. Someone had made him think that after he declared it on our side that it was OK to then declare it on the Mexican side, and that exactly what he did.. ..."He had registered the shotgun with U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials on the U.S. side of the border, declaring he planned to take it with him into Mexico".
Declaring it at US Customs is meaningless. The other idiots are the US Customs officials who supposedly told him all he had to do was to declare it in Mexico. Anybody with half a brain would have investigated the procedure to bring a rifle into Mexico long before they got to the border.


Declaring it at US Customs is meaningless. The other idiots are the US Customs officials who supposedly told him all he had to do was to declare it in Mexico. Anybody with half a brain would have investigated the procedure to bring a rifle into Mexico long before they got to the border.
Of course it is, but why do it if someone hadn't told him it was what he was supposed to do? My point is that this guy who had apparently been going through therapy for PTSD followed some bad advice from people he trusted, and apparently things were going along just as he was told they would until he showed them the shotgun on the Mexican side.

There's no question in my mind that something is missing in this story


I'd think this kind of pressure was stronger than anything said by some game show host:mrgreen:, and a good thing to find out and acknowledge... Why Mexico continualy shoots itself in the foot over things like this is troubling, but knowing that this kind of reaction came from within Mexico is a positive sign.
BROWNSVILLE — A group representing more than 14,000 businessmen in northern Mexico is pleading for the release of Marine Corps veteran Jon Hammar, warning his “unfair” imprisonment for carrying an antique shotgun on his way to a surfing vacation will further devastate an already struggling tourism market.

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I still think someone needs to look into the allegation that US agents told him "no problem just declare it on the otherside" Has anyone ever had that happen at Lukeville? Has anyone ever forgot they were carrying when they hit the border? If so, what did you do?


I agree that the public story is full of holes. I read on another Mexico forum that the gun was found concealed in an RV and not declared.
Is there any evidence that he revealed and discussed the gun to the ICE folk? What do the officials at the border say?
Does in fact a form as described even exist and if so is it available at that crossing?

Personally I have the idea, completely unfounded of course, that this poor soul who was sent off by the US to kill people was first a victim of the citizens of the US by being put into such circumstances. I suspect he was aggressive with the Mexican officials which they reacted to moreso than the presence of an old gun. I think everyone that goes to war suffers PTSD which exacerbates the premorbid personality. By definition a Marine is trained to respond with aggression. People who like aggression like the marines. Simply put I think he got in their face when they found the gun and he tried to bluster his way out aggressively. If I have learned anything about Mexican officials I have learned that if you are calm and reasonable they will be reasonable with you. If you take the role of an arrogant, big mouth, know it all US citizen, they will treat you differently. They do not like to be insulted or humiliated but treated with respect. Same in the US, but I think Mexican line enforcement people have a lot more flexibility than US folk so a calm and reasonable approach can pay off big in a bad situation.

Bill O is an egotistical wind bag. It's absolutely predictable that he would believe he could create a boycott with his words and take credit for the release. If the presidential election had turned out differently he would be taking credit for that along with a couple of other windbags in the media. I'm surprised they have not been screaming this is all the socialist president's fault. I am sure there was alot of communication at various levels of government in the US and Mexico than in the end faciltated his release.

All in all the guy is fortunate to be home.


I bet that's the form referred to. But you would think there would be some discussion about taking a gun into Mexico. I have wondered what the people on the US side inquiring about money and guns would do if you said 'Yes I have a handgun". 'After all isn't it legal to carry in Arizona? Seems like you could legally have a truck load of legal guns and there is nothing the US enforcement could do but maybe notify the Mexican side if you cross?


One would think that would be a matter for Mexico. I actually have a friend who keeps almost that much ammo for some strange reason. So apparently it is illegal to posses certain guns under certain circumstances. Wonder of the driver's nationality had anything to do with it. The NRA should be shitting their shorts over this. Imagine, confiscating guns from people!
Declaring a firearm with customs before you leave the country is for when you return to the U.S. so you can show that you did not purchase the gun abroad. I agree with many of you that there alot of holes in the story. Bill O'Reilly did have a lot to do with putting pressure on the State Dept to get this issue resolved. That's according to the Marines family, his attorney, Both Florida Senators, and the congressional representative. Roberto should stay off MSNBC and get some facts.


Declaring a firearm with customs before you leave the country is for when you return to the U.S. so you can show that you did not purchase the gun abroad. I agree with many of you that there alot of holes in the story. Bill O'Reilly did have a lot to do with putting pressure on the State Dept to get this issue resolved. That's according to the Marines family, his attorney, Both Florida Senators, and the congressional representative. Roberto should stay off MSNBC and get some facts.
So I guess if they lied about how they declared/registered the gun so he could take it into Mexico, they could certainly make a mountain out of a mole hill about how important a statement that Billy boy made was in getting this man out. Anyone with a touch of common sense can see how, and like they always do, the Reds have turned this into a political game of oneupmanship... It's not only a gross exaggeration, it's appalling that so called "educated people" fall for it.
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I'm not sure if the family lied, its just one of the things that doesn't make sense. When I went hunting in Namibia, Africa and also in South Africa, I had to first declare my rifle with customs before leaving, so I could take my rifle back into the United States. Customs does not generally give advice on other countries regulations. This also may be a case where both political parties did the right thing. One of the frontmen in the situation was the democratic senator from Florida. The republican congresswoman also helped and I'm sure the Obama state dept. also had a hand in getting the Marine released. Although some of the story doesn't add up, they did the right thing in getting him out.


I'm not sure if the family lied, its just one of the things that doesn't make sense. When I went hunting in Namibia, Africa and also in South Africa, I had to first declare my rifle with customs before leaving, so I could take my rifle back into the United States. Customs does not generally give advice on other countries regulations. This also may be a case where both political parties did the right thing. One of the frontmen in the situation was the democratic senator from Florida. The republican congresswoman also helped and I'm sure the Obama state dept. also had a hand in getting the Marine released. Although some of the story doesn't add up, they did the right thing in getting him out.
Again and from one of my previous post's on this thread.. I'm inclined to think that this and other internal pressure was a big factor.

BROWNSVILLE — A group representing more than 14,000 businessmen in northern Mexico is pleading for the release of Marine Corps veteran Jon Hammar, warning his “unfair” imprisonment for carrying an antique shotgun on his way to a surfing vacation will further devastate an already struggling tourism market.

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