Violence Report goes National


PIF Puerto Peñasco
Actually it was fall out over a Chic-A-Filet I heard ... but D'amico likes chicken so the truth was covered up ....

GV Jack

Snorin God
Carnac said " So They Can Get Over Fences Easier................... Is the answer Carnac The Magnificent"

I said, "Question...Why do Mexicans feed chickens jumping beans??"

Get it??
OK, here's the facts. We have chewed over this thing again and again. Recapping a recap of a recap will certainly keep the story alive but serve no other purpose. Consult Carnac he is the onely one that can recreate the past and report the activities of maybe 15 or 20 different people in maybe 5 or 6 different locations. Consult the great Carnac for future predictions which is what is of concern. I have heard that he will be installing a booth at the entry of town for the convenience of those of you who are concerned.
Johnny Carson is dead and gone...and so should Carnac.....I just got thru driving over 3000 miles this weekend, and I'm too tired (and too lazy at this point) to try to go over several threads and posts and read the minds of some of you wise asses (I'm saying this in a nice way, not name calling!!!).....when you've dropped hints or whatever else you want to call it.....there are others who are also trying to get the ACCURATE story......

As Rosy posted: "Kramer, several of us on this forum have tried to set the story straight, yet there are some of you who continue to think that the American media reports must be based on a kernel of truth. That's a misconception many of you think your media won't lie to you. Of course they will...they lie and manipulate your thoughts and sentiments on a daily basis. If you aren't hearing us when we tell you what did or didn't happen in Rocky Point, then I have to believe you're waiting for someone to say what you expect them to say. Just ask yourself, if there were more to the story, wouldn't the Consulate warning have been more strongly worded?"

No one has put the story in a clear concise form....without the misdirection, wise ass comments, etc.....

As someone else also stated:

"Here is the problem. I like many readers on this forum like to visit RP 4-5 times per year and always have a great time. I'm the type that is always defending RP to ignorant people who spread the BS about mass killings/rapes/cartel shootouts etc. You mention that a few people have laid out what actually happened spread out over a few posts on a few threads. Well I'm having a tough time sorting through all of this. Can somebody clearly explain what happened in a few paragraphs so I can explain to all the "I told you so" RP haters I'm hearing from? Thank you!"

And knocking the Penasco government, you would think with the bad publicity that this is generating, they would put out some kind of press release spelling out the "facts" is still being investigated!!!


AKA Carnac
Johnny Carson is dead and gone...and so should Carnac.....I just got thru driving over 3000 miles this weekend, and I'm too tired (and too lazy at this point) to try to go over several threads and posts and read the minds of some of you wise asses (I'm saying this in a nice way, not name calling!!!).....when you've dropped hints or whatever else you want to call it.....there are others who are also trying to get the ACCURATE story......

As Rosy posted: "Kramer, several of us on this forum have tried to set the story straight, yet there are some of you who continue to think that the American media reports must be based on a kernel of truth. That's a misconception many of you think your media won't lie to you. Of course they will...they lie and manipulate your thoughts and sentiments on a daily basis. If you aren't hearing us when we tell you what did or didn't happen in Rocky Point, then I have to believe you're waiting for someone to say what you expect them to say. Just ask yourself, if there were more to the story, wouldn't the Consulate warning have been more strongly worded?"

No one has put the story in a clear concise form....without the misdirection, wise ass comments, etc.....

As someone else also stated:

"Here is the problem. I like many readers on this forum like to visit RP 4-5 times per year and always have a great time. I'm the type that is always defending RP to ignorant people who spread the BS about mass killings/rapes/cartel shootouts etc. You mention that a few people have laid out what actually happened spread out over a few posts on a few threads. Well I'm having a tough time sorting through all of this. Can somebody clearly explain what happened in a few paragraphs so I can explain to all the "I told you so" RP haters I'm hearing from? Thank you!"

And knocking the Penasco government, you would think with the bad publicity that this is generating, they would put out some kind of press release spelling out the "facts" is still being investigated!!!
Joe, why is it so important for everybody here to have answers, if the government here was that worried about, they would have already made a statement..........Here this is about all you are going to get. Some of them dont deserve answers. You not being one of them...All they do is scoff at the truth, I wouldn't give them the sweat off my you know what's.
Interesting commercial this morning with tucson shooting survivors stating that approx 48,000 people will die from guns in the usa during the next presidential term. Maybe reporters should be stating that at tbe end of there "usa" articles like they do on any "mexican" news article. Is true what someone stated here.. In the usa it is bad guys killing innocent people and in mexico it is bad guys killing bad guys. Was surprised at the murder rate in puerto rico...higher than mexico and that there is a huge drug war going on there but there is no travel advisory there and is a major cruise ship hub. Have not heard about any of that violence in the news. The crime statistics in the usa are astonishing if you take the time and research them.


I have a financial interest in RP by having a home there That is why it is important for me to know and be concerned and try to put rumors to rest. Quit being so quick and smart on your answers if you don't know the individuals. Assuming will get you in trouble. And yes you did get my dander up and a smart ass reply won't be necessary

Terry C

Kramer, I don't know anything about the stuff no more that you do. A lot of us have financial interest in RP by having a home there. What happened in those few days, I don't think anyone will know the truth and by all means I don't think if anyone did know all the truth it would not be posted on here. JMO


I wouldn't worry too much Kramer.Puerto Penasco is a side show in this thing.Guys might lay up there and do stupid stuff but the big action is in Baja to the west (Tunnels Are Us) and from the Eastern edge of Sasabe all the way to the gulf.Caborca is feeling pressure that is for sure but Puerto Penasco is pretty safe. The Highways from the South are shut down...the cops/marines have shot the shat out of two groups,seized a 50 cal rifle in a road side stop(some of this was the same day the shoot out in RP happened...(who knows if they were connected) and hunted a guy from a helicopter that escaped a gun battle.It is also the beginning of harvest season so all kinds of trouble comes with the migrants from the South to Y griega etc.All kinds of knife fights and shootings (those Southern boys are pretty nuts when loaded) The guys in Lobos aren't worried,the Santo Tomas guys are hanging at the beach so why should you worry up in Penasco?


AKA Carnac
I have a financial interest in RP by having a home there That is why it is important for me to know and be concerned and try to put rumors to rest. Quit being so quick and smart on your answers if you don't know the individuals. Assuming will get you in trouble. And yes you did get my dander up and a smart ass reply won't be necessary
Kramer, If I were you and really wanted to know what happened. I would get in my car drive down to Penasco and find the spokesperson for the state police, they are all staying at the Old Playa Inn, across the street from Reggies and jusk ask him for an explanation of what took place. Or you can meet with Mayor Alejandro Zepeda on Wedesday's if they still have the public meetings with the Mayor on that day. Or go to the municipal police spokesman, that way you can get it all first hand. Then stop by the office just before the gate into Las Conchas and also, ask them. I am sure Arturo would be happy to fill you in or ask to talk to the HOA president. It's probably, just that easy. There are too many people, posting they're own opinions on here to ever get, the right answers here.
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