Warm Days, Cool Nights


We were down for Memorial Weekend and again this last weekend. We were AMAZED that both times, the nights were actually COLD without a blanket and breezy :p The days were warm, wind not too bad on Fri & Sat. The wind REALLY picked up on Sunday.

On another note, we had a 1 hour wait at the border on Sun. Got there at 3:15, finally drove out at 4:15. On Mex side, they made 2 lanes (back by the "dinosaur) that funneled down to 1 lane close to the border. At the first checkpoint, zipped through with no problem, but at the 2nd one, we had to wait while the border agent/Romeo had to flirt with the girls in the car in front of us. LOL

El Gato

DH and I were talking about how we didn't remember it being this cool in May and June before. I think we've only turned on the a/c a couple of afternoons. At night it has been beautiful sleeping weather. Only had a sheet on last night and could have used a light blanket. Will be interesting to compare our next CFE bill to last year at the same time.