Warning for pet owners crossing into Mexico

Got the red light crossing into Mexico on Friday....the customs people saw that I was bringing my dog with me....asked if I had the papers for the dog...and another agent (not the normal customs people) come over asking to see the shot record for the dog. Showed him the license tag from Maricopa county and he was up to date on his shots. They let me cross....but just beware that they are checking.


Happened to me on the way out for the first time. Which side asked on the way in? I know this sounds like a stupid question but with checkpoints on both sides, who's to know.
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I was there 2 weeks ago with out any problems. I cross with all windows down in my truck so every thing is visible. I had my boxer and mutt. I handed my dogs papers with our passports on the way bck in and they handed them right back to me. They didnt even look at them.
I've never been hassled about my dogs when I cross INTO Mexico....this was a first.....they didn't ask for any papers for my vehicle or to see a passport.

Since I had never been asked for papers on the US side, I stopped carrying them.....guess I have to stop at my vet's!!!
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Just got back last night..........was asked by the US Side about papers for our dogs. They did not look at them, just asked if we had them. No problems yet, but I always carry them, just in case.


In the last 60 days I have been asked once by the US coming home, to see papers on my dogs and once by the Mexican side going to Mexico. I think the Mexicans just need something to talk about since the Americans are being so difficult.


We were asked by the US customs on are way into the US over Easter. Luckly we had them. Are VET gives us a Card with the dogs pic,(kinda looks like an Arizona ID card) age and vacination dates. Made life easy.


The interest of the Mexican border officials also extends to dog food. A friend came down last week and tried to cross with two 40 lb bags of dog food for Dee's rescue dogs. She was told she could not cross the food but she could leave it there and they would destroy it. She left it at Gringo Pass to pick up on the return.

I would think all she had to do way pay the duty, but she reported that they did not tell her that?!?!?


Got the red light on Thursday and they wanted to see my dogs papers. On the way back to the US I just hand them in with my passports
We got asked both ways. (Went down last Wed, came back yesterday) Seemed like it was an after thought on the US side, but we were prepared, so no big deal.
It was the first time in a couple of years I'd been stopped on they way down and asked for anything.