Water Shut Off To All Parts Of The City!


That's rough. I thought I was having a bad day yesterday because I couldn't get on the internet.
If anyone needs/wants a shower come on over we have lots of water. It's just a short drive.


There is a lake at the intersection of Benito Juarez and Lopez Portillo again. Thankfully we have 2 big tanks and a pump from back in the days of really low water pressure. A water outage wouldn't affect us for about a week. Last time we filled quite a few 5 gallon buckets for neighbors. Even a water and power outage wouldn't stop the flow (again, more common years ago) as one tank is up on the roof and gravity fed. And, I have a couple solar panels and batteries that would run a light during the nights if needed. This was all much more necessary 14 years ago when we bought and remodeled the house. These days, any outages are pretty rare.


We have regular city water working fine. I just returned from a quick trip to Tucson and hadn't checked before my last post.


The Sonorans all have huge backup systems and I don't think that there will ever be a time that it runs out. Last weekend (Memorial Weekend) we were almost completely full and the city water was off from Friday until Tuesday morning. None of the Sonorans ran out of water. No worries!


El Pirata
The last i heard everything is back to normal, water is flowing though out the city, What happened was someone digging broke a 12 inch water line, and they turned off the valves to the area but did not reduce the pressure coming through the main. So the main blew and it's been fixed, looks like everything is good!